8th-grader, Ishmael Thomas, Organized Supply Drive for Local Animal Shelter Alongside Teachers & Staff


Ishmael Thomas, known as “Ish”, is an emerging student leader in the PA Distance community. Since enrolling, Ish has been excelling in his classes, forming relationships with teachers and staff, contributing to leadership opportunities, and even giving back to his local community through the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (PSPCA).

Months ago, Ish approached his middle school principal, Ms. Crandall, about coordinating a Supply Drive for his local PSPCA chapter in Philadelphia. After bringing the project idea to the PA Distance Community Engagement Team, Ish and PA Distance staff members, including his region’s Community Engagement Coach, Ms. Kowalok, brought it to life. 

“I teamed up with the school and we have come so far,” Ish said. “We had full boxes of donations from PA Distance staff and even more people donated online. The feedback was so positive.”

“When I was first presented with the opportunity to work with Ish on this project, I wasn’t sure how it was going to play out because we are in different parts of the state.” Ms. Kowalok explained. “But, it worked out so well. Ish took it upon himself to build connections with the animal shelter from the beginning. We collaborated as a team with the shelter to get it off and ground for our families and staff to donate.”

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Ish, and members of the PA Distance Community Engagement Team, collected donations throughout March and April. PA Distance teachers and staff members brought donation items to the school’s office in Sewickley, PA. Students and families also brought donations to Community Engagement Coaches at in-person events like field trips and Community Hours. Lastly, staff and students were able to make virtual donations directly through the shelter’s Amazon wish list. 

“From Family Engagement events to field trips to Community Hours, we had lots of families bring items to donate while we were on the road,” Ms. Kowalok added.  

Last week, Ms. Kowalok met up with Ish and his dad to personally deliver the collected supplies to the PSPCA headquarters in Philadelphia. Ms. Sara, Ish, and his dad unloaded the school's packed Innovation Station van alongside PSPCA Director of Public Relations and Marketing, Gillian Kocher. 

(Ishmael with PA Distance Community Engagement Coach, Ms. Kowalok)

“We ended with six full boxes of supplies for the shelter including items for cats, dogs, and even rabbits,” Ms. Kowalok added. “Ish has been an awesome student to work with and I know he is going to go far in life because of his determination.”

“All of the donations were generous and I am grateful to everyone who was able to help,” Ish said on the donation delivery day. 

After unloading the donations in the shelter, Ish sat down with Ms. Kocher to talk about how his inspiration for the service project began when he and his step-mom cared for an orphaned baby mouse they had found in their home. 

“I never felt anything like it. I felt like I found something I was meant to do and I loved it,” Ish explained. “Then, that got me thinking that I wanted to do this for all animals. That was when I decided to start a Supply Drive for my local shelter.”

“All your donations are pretty impressive.” Ms. Kocher said. “The supplies are going to go a long way with the animals we have here. We have dogs and we have cats and believe it or not, we have mice or rats and any animals that were victims of abuse or neglect. We are so thankful to you for doing this project and bringing all of that. It’s going to really make their lives so much better.”

(SPCA Director of Public Relations/Marketing, Gillian Kocher, and Ishmael outside of the Innovation Station with boxes of donations)

“This project goes to show that our students can work with their region’s Community Engagement Coach to achieve similar goals,” Ms. Kowalok explained. “We are here to make connections and help students be the best version of themselves in and outside of school.” 

“Ishmael is a true student leader committed to making a difference in the world,” middle school Principal, Ms. Crandall said. “I was so impressed with how he reached out to share his passion and love for animals. This young man is already making a difference in the world!” 

Congratulations, Ish! PA Distance is so proud of you and can’t wait to see all of the great things you will do in your future. 


About PA Distance Learning Charter School

Since 2004, PA Distance has been providing a welcoming virtual learning environment for students in grades K-12 across Pennsylvania. Students at PA Distance engage in a blended environment that combines “synchronous” and “asynchronous” learning. PA Distance’s mission is to blend proven classroom teaching techniques with educational technologies to promote academic growth for all students.


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