Graduating Senior, Isabella Rios, Is Heading to Temple University this Fall

Class of 2022 senior Isabella Rios (known as “Bella), from Philadelphia, PA, is thrilled to be graduating this June. After recently being accepted into Temple University in Philadelphia, Bella is looking forward to beginning there this fall. She admits that the Career Education & Work program helped her decide on a major based on her interests. 

“I’ll be majoring in Environmental Science,” Bella explained after realizing her love for all things nature when growing up with her grandmother who shared the same fascinations. 

“Originally, I wanted to be an Ichthyologist (a scientist who studies the biology and study of fish), but recently, the Career Education & Work Career Days we had here at PA Distance helped me discover environmental science,” she said. “We are offered so many resources. Your personality and interests are always nourished here.” 

Since enrolling in 7th-grade, Bella has always been heavily involved in excelling inUntitled design (7)-May-31-2022-11-46-18-18-AM and outside of her classes. She has taken on rigorous coursework (including three AP classes and a few Honors classes), participates in a variety of after-school clubs, and holds leadership roles within the school including the Comprehensive School Improvement (CSI) committee, Core 4 Committee, Book Buddies program, and serves as the Secretary for the PA Distance eSports team. 

“During the CSI committee meetings, I serve as a student representative to help PA Distance staff understand things from a student’s point of view,” Bella explained. “I can tell they care and listen to what I have to say.” 

As a member of the Core 4 Committee Bella also helps improve the school, and student experience, alongside some of her classmates. 

“The committee meets regularly on Wednesdays after school,” Bella explained. “Essentially, the student portion of this group helps the staff members come up with ideas for how to get other students involved with Core 4 participation.”

As a member of the Book Buddies program, Bella often took time out of her day to read books to some of her younger elementary classmates. 

“I wanted to share something I'm passionate about with the elementary students. I got assigned to read Matilda for Read Across America Week in March and we had a lot of fun together,” she said. “I also read other books to the 4th-grade homeroom throughout the school year.”

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Bella explains that PA Distance has an abundance of course options for a variety of interests. Being the motivated and driven student that she is, Bella took advantage of (almost all of) them. 

“I was able to take Spanish, Forensic Science, Engineering, Music Appreciation & Percussion, Veterinary Science, and American Sign Language,” Bella explained. “I also loved taking Computer Science and Coding, too. I think I have taken almost all of the electives possible.” 

Looking back on her time at PA Distance, Isabella notes that she felt at home. She also explains that the classes, and the teachers who teach them, are there to meet the needs of the students and not the other way around. 

“It’s tailored and molded to fit you as a student,” she said. “Instead of me, as a student, trying to fit into their mold. I always got one-on-one help if I needed it and had the opportunity to challenge myself with advanced classes, too.” 

“I loved having more responsibility and being able to manage my schedule at PA Distance. I think this will help me when I’m in college,” Bella added. 

During her junior year, Bella was also awarded the PA Distance Financial Literacy Scholarship for a project based on a hypothetical scenario involving a plan for debt consolidation and relief. Using the awarded $500, Bella can use it to defer costs when she attends Temple University this fall. 

“At PA Distance, the environment is unique. The teachers genuinely care about you and your well-being inside and outside of class,” Bella explained. “They want to get to know you as a student and as a person and that’s amazing. I would like to thank the school for preparing me for my future.”

“I’ll miss the teachers and all the friends I made,” Bella said. “I used to dread going to school, but never here.” 


About PA Distance Learning Charter School

Since 2004, PA Distance has been providing a welcoming virtual learning environment for students in grades K-12 across Pennsylvania. Students at PA Distance engage in a blended environment that combines “synchronous” and “asynchronous” learning. 



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