Introducing the PA Distance Community Connectors

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(The Innovation Station and the Explorer One, pictured above)

Have you heard about the PA Distance fleet of traveling vans? The three van fleet, dubbed the Community Connectors, are designed to help create strong relationships between PA Distance, our families, and the communities in which they live.

The three Community Connector vans, the Innovation Station, Explorer One, and Explorer Two (coming soon!), are all outfitted with plenty of cabinets and compartments to store materials for the PA Distance Community Engagement team as they host and attend events around the state. Each van is also equipped with mobile STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) lab kits, First-Aid kits, educational games, and PA Distance informational materials. 

The largest of the three vans, called the Innovation Station, is outfitted with some extra items including two flat screen tv monitors, a sink, plenty of countertop space, a gas generator, heat, and air conditioning. In addition to gathering outside the van, the Innovation Station is also meant to allow students and families the opportunity to join in fun activities inside the mobile event space. 

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(The Innovation Station, pictured above with a PA Distance Family)

“Although we are a digitally based program, having the Community Connector fleet will allow us the opportunity to build better relationships with our students as well as strengthen our community partnerships,” Community Engagement Coordinator, Ms. Angela Abbiati explained. 

The vans serve as a meeting place for field trips, college tours, Career Education and Work events, career fairs, family fun nights, and other community education events for our students and their families. They also create an opportunity for PA Distance to participate in new and continuing community educational occasions that students can attend in their local areas. 

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(Explorer One, pictured above)

“The Community Engagement Team is excited to see the development of the Community Connectors fleet. We are looking forward to traveling throughout Pennsylvania with other PA Distance Staff to see the students and families in person,” Ms. Abbiati added. 

The third and final van, the Explorer Two, is still in progress and will be delivered as soon as possible. We can't wait!

Stay tuned for more information and news about the Community Connectors’ progress right here on the blog. 


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