PA Distance Student Recipient of Our Young Artist Contest in Back-to-Back Months

Dakota Burke (formerly Palmer), a 7th grader at PA Distance has been chosen as the recipient of the Our Young Artist contest in back-to-back months held by the Observer-Reporter.


Dakota also had one of her drawings chosen for the Office of Attorney General’s 2015 Drug-Free Calendar Contest. Last year, Dakota proudly received an Art Connection Scholarship from the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh.

Mrs. Watts, PA Distance Art teacher stated, “Dakota's work continues to show her dedication to the arts and to furthering her abilities. I have found her to be an asset to any collaborative situation in the classroom. She always brings her best effort and positive attitude! She is currently learning about art through a PA Distance independent study with various art media and also through the CMOA Art Connections Program. Her work will be exhibited in the Spring! I am so very proud of her to have made the journey from just liking art to embracing it as a true fine artist! The sky's the limit for her ideas and abilities! She has so much creativity and inspiration. Her extensive body of work continues to amaze me! I am just so happy to have been able to be part of her amazing journey!”


Student Center Stage: Molly


The Office Philosopher