Senior Spotlight: Matt and Finding Your Direction
Meet Matt. He graduated with the class of 2018 and he's heading in the direction that he’s chosen. He’s brilliant, hard working, and he’s going to be a doctor. He’s pretty remarkable.
But there was a time that Matt didn’t seem so remarkable to his teachers and classmates. He was the kid disrupting class, unable to focus, and barely scraping C’s. He and his mom were constantly butting heads about school and homework. Matt felt like he had no direction.
But everything has changed since then.
Thankfully, his mom knew a few things about him. She knew he excelled when given a schedule, a clear task, and independence. She knew it was time to make a change.
He enrolled at PA Distance Learning and things changed immediately.
On Why He’s Successful
There are a few reasons Matt is successful:
He works better in the afternoons
He likes to manage his own time and thrives when he can
His schedule gives time to chat individually with teachers on his questions
“Getting up at 6:00 AM was a fight,” he explained. With PA Distance, Matt can sleep in a little later, and uses the afternoons to study when he’s at his best. And another plus, he doesn’t feel rushed on his assignments - but this is partly because he works ahead as much as he’s able.
“I really like that I can ask a question at any time,” he told me. “If I am doing an assignment at 8:00 PM, I can email that teacher and ask while it is fresh in my brain. Doesn't mean I expect an answer, but I know that I asked and they will get back to me ASAP, even if I don't have live class the next day.”
On Bullying/Being Yourself
In a world that seems full of bullying and peer pressure, Matt’s managed to learn to be himself.
“In homeroom when we were talking about bullying... I thought, I can be myself here and so can everyone else, because no one knows what classes I take and when I need help. I can be myself and don't have to worry what my friends will say if I stay after class for help, or that I took mythology.”
Matt said he would have been bullied at his old school for taking some of the electives he loved at PA Distance, including mythology.
“Unfortunately I think I would have laughed with my friends if I saw someone taking mythology. It is easy to just go with the crowd, but now I don't worry about that.”
Sometimes kids are plain mean. They’ll make fun of you for caring about school and your future, but Matt has learned how to see a bigger picture.
“Electives helped me decide what I wanted to study in college. How do you know what you like if you don't get to try it?” he asked.
“PA Distance gave me options - do I like something or not?” said Matt. “It is like trying new food...You may not like it, or you may say, ‘I want to try some more.’”
Isn't that is how learning should be? Students should have a smorgasbord of classes to choose from, and no fear in trying them? Whether it's Mythology, Criminology, History of the Holocaust, or Vet Science! Like Matt said, you may not like it, or you may want to try some more. [See some of the electives PA Distance offers here]
“I do miss seeing my friends on a day-to-day basis,” said Matt. “But I have also learned who are true friends and who are just ‘the guys.’”
On the Teachers/Staff
A good teacher makes a big difference in your life; but Matt pointed out that it’s more than the way they deliver the lessons that matter.
“The teachers at PA Distance treat us more maturely,” he explained. “It makes me want to do better for them because of that respect.”
And this, he explained, goes all the way to the top.
“Here, the principal, Dr. Posney wants feedback on how to help the students learn better," he told me. "Talking to the principal at my old school would mean I am getting in trouble.”
Another plus: Matt has not experienced that “dreaded teacher” problem. You know, when you realize you have to spend an entire year with a person you don’t gel with at all?
“Even when I chat with other kids that go here, no one ever said, ‘OMG! You have her or him?' or ‘Don't take that class because so and so teaches it!’”
Matt also said communication was a big part of why he enjoys the staff.
“They are very receptive and willing to talk about any issue,” he explained. “I don't have a fear of reaching out to my guidance counselor or the principal. Not sure I would do that in my old school.”
These things have all added up to make a big difference for Matt.
“I wasn't too crazy when my mom suggested cyber school. I had no direction and definitely wasn’t planning college," he admitted. "But because of this school, I was early admittance to University of Pittsburgh and want to be a doctor.”
Parent/Student Involvement
To say the least, things were pretty rocky for Matt and his mom before cyber school. Matt described their conversations as going like this:
His mom would ask, “How was school?”
Matt would say, “School was okay.”
She would push for more information, "asking a million questions" and Matt would resist. They would fight all the time.
But now, things have changed in their relationship, too.
“We don't fight about grades, doing homework or getting up for classes,” Matt told me.
His mom’s involvement varies, depending on the class and the day. For example, she helps him with calculus when he struggles; but most days, they just talk.
“I talk to her more about what is going on in my classes. I used to call her ‘The Enforcer.’ Now she asks if everything is okay and we have talks about some of the topics I learn about.”
Like any successful cyber school parent, Matt’s mom checks on daily assignments and grades to see the big picture. That said, it's their conversations that provide her with the most important information.
“I think this type of learning helps parents be more in touch with what their kids are learning and get past ‘school was okay’ conversations," Matt said.
Wrapping it Up
After graduation, Matt will attend the University of Pittsburgh with plans to be a doctor. Matt learned lots at PA Distance Learning, but the greatest things he learned was to be more true to himself.
“PA Distance allowed me to find a direction," he told me: "My direction.”

PA Distance Learning exists to change lives for the better. We blend proven classroom teaching techniques with educational technologies to promote academic growth for all students by personalizing their learning experience and providing a supportive online community.