Social Groups Give Students the Opportunity to Interact & Make Friends Outside the Classroom

A significant misconception that often attaches itself to cyber schools is that students have no social interaction with their classmates or teachers. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth at PA Distance. 

Socialization often happens organically during live classes PA Distance students have with teachers nearly every day (depending on their grade and class schedule). Our students also have a variety of opportunities to connect and build relationships throughout the school day and after the proverbial school bell rings. Through virtual K-12 social groups, after-school clubs, in-person field trips, and family engagement events our students build connections and strong friendships in an environment in which they are comfortable. 

The newest addition to the collection of extracurricular socialization opportunities is K-12 grade-level specific groups that meet throughout the school year hosted by teachers and staff members: K-6 Recess, 7th and 8th grade Middle School Meet Up, Lunch & Laugh, and finally, 9-12 High School Hangout.

Elementary Recess

3rd and 4th-grade school counselor, Ms. Kist, and 4th-grade teacher, Ms. Piskurich thought that their students would benefit from a time to talk, relax, and hang out with their peers outside the virtual classroom. And with that thought, PA Distance K-6 Recess was born and organized by grade level. 

4th Grade Recess

“Our scholars love extra opportunities to be with classmates and teachers in a care-free environment where they also have a voice.” Ms. Kist explained. “It is awesome to see students come together, come up on camera, and discuss similar interests with one another. I think the sense of cohesion that builds from groups like Recess transfers to the classroom setting, too.” 

For example, in a recent 4th-grade Recess, teachers created a virtual breakout room where students talked about video games. In another room, they had a “dance party” where students danced and listened to music. And, in the main room, they had a drawing activity where students could learn to draw something after watching a tutorial video.

“We host recess in a live learning session and have a few different break-out rooms where students can talk to other students who have similar interests,” 4th-grade teacher, Ms. Chuong said. 

“We want our students to be able to create relationships outside of class,” Ms. Piskurich explained. “The kids really look forward to seeing all of their peers and just being able to form friendships with other students they usually don’t see every day.”

Middle School Meet Ups and Lunch & Laughs

The Lunch & Laugh and Middle School Meet Up sessions are new this school year but have had a positive response and impact on the students that attend. 7th and 8th graders appreciate the opportunity to interact with each other whereas normally they wouldn’t have classes together. 

“Both the Middle School Meet Up and Lunch & Laugh are hangouts to get to know and talk to new people and make friends,” 7th-grader Ocean said. 

Lunch _ LaughMiddle School Principal, Ms. Crandall, hosts the Lunch & Laugh sessions personally, at a varied time each month, and cherishes the chance to talk to students.

“Lunch & Laugh is my opportunity as a principal to get to know our students and to build positive relationships with each one. There is nothing I love more than spending time with middle school students. They are brilliant, remarkable, funny, and they make my world go-'round,” Ms. Crandall explained. “I also use this time to pick their brains for ideas on how to make our school a better learning environment, how to create social opportunities for them to get to know one another in a virtual setting, and how to infuse every day with fun and exciting activities that will draw all students in.”

7th-grade school counselor, Ms. Harvey, and 8th-grade school counselor, Mr. Murray, host the weekly Middle School Meet Ups each Friday at 11:30 am.Middle School Meet Up

“Middle School Meet Ups are nice so that kids have the outlet to talk about things that interest them. It’s a nice way to get some socialization beyond their live classes. The kids love it,” 8th-grade school counselor, Mr. Murray said. “It is a great chance for kids to just be kids.”

“Lunch & Laugh is a fun place to hang out with friends,” 7th-grader Rylie explained. “We talk about what is going on in our life, plan fun things for school, and even play games!”

“Our students have the chance to essentially have lunch with one another and chat the way they would in a brick-and-mortar setting,” Ms. Harvey said. 

High School Hangouts

High school English teachers, Mrs. Donofrio and Ms. Kelly are staff sponsors for the Student Leadership club and the High School Hangout sessions meet each Wednesday at 11:30 am to foster social-emotional growth and coordinate stress-relieving activities. 

“We get to see a whole different side of our students and talk to them in a different way,” Mrs. Donofrio added. “We have the chance to create those stronger relationships with them outside of class. They also get the chance to talk to students in different grades.” 

High School Hang Out

High School Hang Out sessions are similar to how Recess, Middle School Meet Up, and Lunch & Laughs is run. Students let the staff sponsors know what they're interested in doing on any particular day and the session is based on that. 

“We did an Anime Kahoot one time that I really liked,” 9th-grader Jaxon noted. “It’s just a really fun place to get a break from my work during the day.”

“A big misconception about students who attend cyber school is that they don’t want to socialize with their peers,” Ms. Kelly said. “That is not true at all.”


About PA Distance Learning Charter School

Since 2004, PA Distance has been providing a welcoming virtual learning environment for students in grades K-12 across Pennsylvania. Students at PA Distance engage in a blended environment that combines “synchronous” and “asynchronous” learning. PA Distance’s mission is to blend proven classroom teaching techniques with educational technologies to promote academic growth for all students.


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