Sustainable Education

What in the world happened this week at PA Distance?  Well, a lot happened!

In checking out some local farms, we dipped into about every type of region PA has to offer – fields, mountains, suburban, and urban.  My name is Olivia, by the way; I’m the Student Recruiter, and I finally got to meet, face to face, some of the families I enrolled.

PA Distance Cyber School Students at Field Trip

During our tour of Pennsylvania, we stopped in the counties of Allegheny, Lancaster, Lackawanna, Philadelphia, and Montgomery.  We learned a ton about the science of agriculture, sustainable farming, and how to consume sustainably.   We also had the chance to learn about food justice at Mill Creek Urban Farm. 

While I learned the same things our students learned, I gained insight on something more: PA Distance Learning families are on a new path. 

Time and time again parents gushed that their child was thriving in our school.  Many of these were the very same families who told me two months ago that school wasn’t working for their child.  

Instead of complaining about where they have been, they were sharing success stories with gratitude for where they are now.  Instead of focusing on the past, their words were focused on the future.  It was as if I was watching sustainable education. 

Sustainable education happens when meaningful relationships happen within it.  Education, when done right, takes teamwork.  Just like anything involving a team, education takes patience, trust, and a firm belief that we will be successful. 

This week, I witnessed the very same patience, trust, and belief in action.  While it appeared in the form of our students having a ton of fun and learning about sustainable farming, I know now I was watching success because of sustainable education.   

Click here to view photos from this week's events!


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