The Damaging Effects of Limiting School Choice

Every student deserves the opportunity to thrive. PA Distance Learning makes that promise a reality for students who have struggled in traditional school settings. While 33% of the student population in the average traditional school district is economically disadvantaged, that number is much higher in charter schools: 49.7% for cyber charter schools and 66.6% for brick-and-mortar charter schools. Parents choose charter schools because they offer unique advantages. Many families choose cyber charter schools because their children have learning disabilities, require special education and individualized learning plans, or have been the victims of bullying and other traumatic in-school experiences.

School choice gives students greater access to the resources they need to realize their full potential. Limiting school choice would have the most detrimental impact on disadvantaged and impoverished students who are working hard to overcome obstacles. Charter schools are a path to a flourishing future for these students.

Read a recent Op-Ed written by our CEO, Patricia Rossetti, about Governor Wolf's campaign to take away school choice from Pennsylvania residents:

Read some of our other blogs on School Choice below: 

Now's the Time: Fight for Your Right for School Choice in PA

Get Involved in School Choice Week 2020

Why School Choice Matters: Meet Jamie

Making the Grade: Schools Prove the Need for School Choice

Who Benefits from School Choice: Meet Teagan & Brennan

Also - read this Op-Ed from our CEO, Patricia Rossetti, where she defends School Choice. 




November Field Trip Theme: Healthy Growing & Giving Back


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