The Power of Heroes

As Red Ribbon Week comes to a close, we want to take some time to talk about heroes.  At PA Distance Learning, we believe having a hero can make a big difference for kids, as well as for adults!

When Ms. Lewis was a kid, she admired female characters who challenged stereotypes, like Sailor Mars.  Now as an adult, she continues to look to characters like Katniss Everdeen or Hermione Granger as great role models. 

“It's great to have someone to look up to, because it challenges you to always be better than you are,” said Ms. Lewis. “That means being proud of your accomplishments, but always working hard to be better.” 

Our heroes touch us in different ways.  Sometimes they stand as a symbol for the way life ought to be lived: courageously, unselfishly, kindly, and with hope.  This is the kind of hero Ms. Gita has, and she feels that we “benefit from finding a hero because heroes usually have characteristics that lead to actions that are for the good ‘of all’ and are not selfishly driven.”

Sometimes our heroes help to show us all that we can be, like Ms. Berger’s French teacher.  He was the one who helped her see that she had an amazing talent for languages – now she speaks English, French, and Spanish!

Heroes, whether characters in a book or our parents or teachers, help push us towards a better tomorrow.   They do this by pushing us to be the best version of ourselves. 

Mr. Mysels explained this beautifully when he talked about his hero, Forrest Gump: 

“Kids need to find a hero because heroes act as figures we can look up to and model ourselves after. I don't want to be Forrest Gump. I do want to be the best Pete that I can be; and I can get closer to that goal with some lessons from Mr. Gump.  After all, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates - you'll never know what ya goin' get.’” 

Life can throw you some wrenches, and there will be people and things that pressure you to be less than your best.  Find yourself a hero now who models life as it ought to be and pushes you to be the best you can be.  Be prepared- like Forrest Gump and Mr. Mysels say, “Life is like a box of chocolates - you'll never know what ya goin' get.’” 


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