Why School Choice Matters: Meet Jamie

Meet Jamie:

Jamie is an integral part of their classroom community at PA Distance. That wasn’t always the case. Jamie is a gender-fluid student who was neither understood nor supported at their previous school. Not only did Jamie face merciless bullying by peers, the school did not step in to help—they even contributed with thoughtless comments. Jamie’s parents sought to work with teachers and administrators only to be met with silence and frustration. These thoughtful parents realized their child could not thrive in their current school environment. That’s why they turned to PA Distance. PA Distance gave Jamie a fresh start. In the supportive context of PA Distance, Jamie is able to learn and grow without having to worry about taunts from peers and insensitivity from teachers. Now, Jamie is growing academically and socially with the help and support of her compassionate teachers and understanding peers. 

That is an opportunity that every child should have. #MySchoolMyChoice

*name has been changed to protect the privacy of the student

Questions about anything listed above? Call us at (888) 997-3352.

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Start the enrollment process TODAY for the 2021-2022 school year. 


About PA Distance Learning Charter School

Since 2004, PA Distance has been providing a welcoming virtual learning environment for students in grades K-12 across Pennsylvania. Students at PA Distance engage in a blended environment that combines “synchronous” and “asynchronous” learning. PA Distance’s mission is to blend proven classroom teaching techniques with educational technologies to promote academic growth for all students.


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Teacher Spotlight: Social Studies Teacher Ms. Marisa Petraglia