PA Distance Learning

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PA Distance Answers: “Why Cyber School?”

“Cyber school is a ‘lesser version’ of a brick-and-mortar school” remains a common misconception among those unfamiliar with online learning. In reality, cyber schools provide a unique experience that could significantly benefit your child.

Students at PA Distance Learning Charter School are able to excel in a virtual learning environment for several reasons.


Personalized Education

PA Distance offers a “self-paced” education model that lets students learn in a way that best suits their needs. 

Live Learning Sessions (LLS) allow students to participate with their teachers and classmates in real time while giving them the chance to socialize with their peers and teachers to develop relationships and build trust.

In addition to their Live Learning Sessions, students have asynchronous lessons each day that mimic “homework” at a traditional school, and our 13 to 1 student-teacher ratio means staff are available to provide extra assistance when needed. 


Increased Flexibility 

Online learning is often favorable for those with additional responsibilities such as employment or family obligations.

At our school, students can customize their class schedules to accommodate their busy agendas. Every lesson is recorded for students to re-watch at their convenience.


Career Advancement Opportunities

Unique elective courses at PA Distance help strengthen students' career goals for their futures. 

Our teachers embed critical skills for employment–and life–into the classroom, which are further emphasized by school counselors and special education teachers. Some skills include:

  • Communication (such as strong writing skills and public speaking)
  • Collaboration
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Empathy skills
  • Stress & time management
  • Intercultural skills
  • Confidence
  • Leadership

Every child learns differently, which is why making the switch to online learning might be the best choice for your student. 

Click here for more information about how to enroll for the 2023-2024 school year.