PA Distance Learning

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Recent Graduate, Valeria Balbuena, Dreams of Becoming a Psychiatrist


Class of 2021 graduate, Valeria Balbuena, will be attending Millersville University this fall and majoring in Psychology. Her goal is to become a psychiatrist so she can help patients who are struggling with psychological disorders, and to further understand the connection between emotional and physical health. 

“I'm passionate about human behavior and I really want to learn everything about it,” Valeria explained. “I also want to study it because I wanna learn how to understand myself.” 

Other than her passion for psychology and study of the brian, Valeria enjoyed her Financial Literacy elective course with her teacher, Mrs. DeRoner, and believes it will help her in the future.

“My favorite class was Financial Literacy because it is one of the few classes we should all take. It prepares you for the future. I didn't know much about finances, loans, insurances, or how to use my money wisely until I took the class,” she said. 

“Now I feel more prepared to live by myself,” added. “I even thanked Mrs. DeRoner because this is one of the things I wanted to learn before graduating because this is important and without the knowledge, my life would be a disaster.” 

After being enrolled at PA Distance for a little over a year, Valeria talks about her experience with her teachers and classes.

“The teachers are extremely nice and are always willing to help me,” Valeria said. “Also the classes available are interesting and I enjoyed doing the assignments.”

“I also like how much PA Distance cares about their students and provides all of the materials needed,” she said. “It's very impressive compared to other schools.”

She looks forward to her future in college and especially living on her own.

I look forward to buying or renting my first apartment. I think about it and I get so excited. I can’t wait.”

We can’t wait to see all of the great things she does in the future. Congrats, Valeria!