يطمح كاي ماكوتشيون، الطالب في الصف الحادي عشر، إلى أن يصبح عامل لحام بعد التخرج
11th-grader, Kai McCutcheon, from Palmyra, PA, has dreams of becoming a welder when he graduates from PA Distance next year. Kai enrolled at PA Distance in 8th-grade and immediately noticed the care, time, and attention that his teachers took to help him and his classmates succeed.
“I like the relationships that I have with my teachers,” he said. “They check in on me and we talk about my life, not just about school.”
“The communication with my teachers is great and they are always willing to work with you and help you in any way,” he said. “They’re also willing to go out of their way to help.”
“I have really enjoyed getting to know Kai since he started in middle school. He always has a smile and something fun to add to class,” Kai’s School Counselor, Mrs. Mihoerck, said.
After having an opportunity to try his hand at welding, Kai’s eyes were opened to the possibility of pursuing the trade in his future. His dad purchased books and educational materials about welding so that Kai could study and practice using equipment they have in the house. After graduating from PA Distance, Kai wants to attend a trade school to pursue welding in hopes of getting a job upon completion. He looks forward to learning a variety of welding techniques so that he is more marketable when he looks for a job.
Right now in English class, Kai is working on his Career Project which is a graduation requirement for PA Distance.
“I'm mainly focusing on welding for my Career Project. We're researching what our responsibilities would be, how much we would get paid, what we would have to do to get into the field, what are the upsides and downsides to the job, etc,” he said. “It's definitely a challenge, that's for sure, but I know it's to help us out in the future.”
“Kai has been doing a great job with the 11th Grade Career Project! The research he has completed so far is very thorough and demonstrates a true passion for becoming a welder,” Mrs. Johnston, Kai’s English teacher, said. “He is finding many resources for pursuing this career path after high school. This type of skilled labor career is perfect for Kai since he already values precision and quality work as shown in his academic success.”
“I’m excited to graduate but I’m going to miss the connections I've made with teachers at PA Distance,” he said. “I'm looking forward to studying what I want to do and getting out there to make my own money.”
Do you have a story to tell about PA Distance? To be featured on our blog, website, and social media, contact Kelsey Holsinger at kelsey.holsinger@padistance.org.