رقية ك. ك. التي وصلت إلى المرحلة النهائية في مؤتمر بنسلفانيا للاختراعات للصف السادس الابتدائي تتطلع إلى المشاركة في المسابقة على مستوى الولاية في هيرشي، بنسلفانيا
PA Distance is thrilled to announce that one of our talented 6th-grade students, Rakiyah K., was selected as an Invention Convention state finalist for her Youth Work Website! Rakiyah and her family, along with the rest of the finalists, will be attending the upcoming in-person Invention Convention at the annual Pete&C Conference in Hershey, PA on Tuesday, February 8th.
What is the Invention Convention?
Creativity, critical thinking, innovation, teamwork, and communication are known as skills that prepare students for a successful future within their school, work, and personal lives. The Pennsylvania Invention Convention gives students recognition for creating inventions to solve real-world problems that help make life easier and more efficient for us all.
Each year, the Convention invites all Pennsylvania students (public, charter, & private) in grades K-12 to participate in a virtual competition where students submit an invention of their own design. In order to enter the initial competition, this past January, students were tasked to submit a series of items pertaining to their created invention. Student participants were scored by the panel of PA Invention Convention Judges, using a rubric, and finalists were chosen.
Photo Credit: http://pa-inventionconvention.org/resources.html
Rakiyah’s Invention & How it Helps Students Her Age
Prior to submitting her invention, Rakiyah worked with PA Distance Technology Coach, Mrs. Bible, and her School Counselor, Mrs. Lamberton, to nurture an idea that stemmed from a problem she identified: students under the legal working age are unable to get a job and make money.
“After research was done on the topic, Rakiyah and I worked on getting her job portal website up and running, created an elevator pitch video, and emailed people in the community about her idea,” Mrs. Lamberton explained.
Rakiyah made her own Google website that houses information and steps required for students to obtain a job within their local community.
“I wanted to create this invention so kids have the opportunity to work and receive money for their work,” Rakiyah said. “I completed research on Child Labor Laws and steps on how to find and receive a job as a student under 18-years-old.”
“Her invention is practical and relevant and what we, as a school, are trying to promote,” PA Distance Elementary Principal Mrs. Ploesch said. “Her website and concept is an idea that would translate nicely within Intermediate Units throughout the state.”
“My invention is an online portal that connects students with jobs in their local communities that meet federal and state guidelines for Child Labor Laws,” Rakiyah added.
Learn more about her invention, directly from Rakiyah, in this video:
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“Rakiyah is very excited. We are coordinating with her family and traveling to the convention with her and her family,” Mrs. Ploesch explained. “The winners of the PA Statewide Invention Convention Competition go to the National Invention Competition at the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation in Michigan.”
At the statewide competition, Rakiyah will be setting up an interactive booth with information about her invention and a computer monitor so attendees and judges can view and navigate her website. Her school counselor, Mrs. Lamberton, and her Principal, Mrs. Ploesch will also be in attendance to support her and cheer her on.
“I am very excited that Rakiyah has made it to the finals and am ready to go with her to Hershey!” Mrs. Lamberton said. “No matter what happens, I'm extremely proud of her for her hard work and dedication throughout this whole process.”
“This is an amazing opportunity for this young lady, “ Mrs. Bible said. “Seeing students like this shine and build confidence is incredible.”
“We are all so proud of her,” Mrs. Ploesch added. “She has been really putting herself out there and taking academic risks that pay off. We are all rooting for her!”
The 2022 Invention Convention Competition winners will be announced the afternoon of the convention this Tuesday, February 8th, so stay tuned!