تعالوا للاحتفال بمرور 20 عامًا على تأسيس مدارس بنسلفانيا المستقلة!
June 2, 2017 -- PA Distance Learning, a public PA cyber charter school, proudly invites its families to celebrate with us at the State Capitol on Monday, June 19, 2017 at 1:30!
School choice has been part of our state for 20 years now, and PA Distance Learning has been an active Pennsylvania cyber school for 13 of those years. If your family has been helped by school choice, we encourage you to attend and show your support. It is vital to charter schools, and especially cyber-charter schools, that our stories be shared far and wide.
"Former Governor Tom Ridge will be the keynote speaker for our press conference on June 19 celebrating the 20th anniversary of the charter law in Pennsylvania," wrote Ana Meyers, Executive Director of the PA Coalition of Public Charter Schools. "We will be presenting Governor Ridge with a charter champion award at the event. Please share this invitation with your network so we can show Pennsylvania how important school choice is in our state!"
Interested in discussing our cyber school as an option for your family?