مسؤولو التعلم عن بُعد في السلطة الفلسطينية يقدمون عرضًا في مؤتمر مجتمع السلطة الفلسطينية حول الانتقال

Jamie Desrochers, Director of Special Education at PA Distance Learning, and Kelly Crooks, 7-12 Principal at PA Distance Learning, are presenting at the 2018 PA Community on Transition Conference.

Mrs. Desrochers will be co-presenting with Dr. Bridget Green of Duquesne University on Career Education and Work Standards in General Education, focusing on transitions and state standards. Mrs. Desrochers will be touching on how Career Education and Work Standards (CEW) are being implemented into cyber school by all staff, for both regular and special education students. 

Ms. Crooks is presenting on the topic, “K-12 Plan for Career Readiness and Transition," sharing the plan PA Distance Learning has developed for their students in order to meet CEW Standards.

“I am hoping those who attend will gather ideas from the PA Distance Learning CEW plan and take with them to their own schools,” shared Crooks. “All PA schools must meet the same requirements regarding CEW and transition, and all of our teachers at PA Distance Learning are prepared to help students meet those goals.”

Wait - why focus on career, work, and transitions?

cyber school career to work

While we’re required to meet PDE requirements to provide Career Education and Work plans in K-12, we want to make sure we’re doing it in the best way possible.  

It’s a school-wide effort, from our counselors to our regular education teachers to our special education teachers, to make sure our students are prepared with transition skills and a career plan for life after school.

Our counselors, for example, provide lessons in all of the following areas the assist our students in K-12:

  • College and Career Awareness
  • Interest Inventories
  • SMART Goals
  • Transition Skills
  • Character Building
  • Organization Skills
  • Listening/Focusing

In addition to our counselors providing the above lessons, our teachers work to implement the same standards into their regular lessons for our students. 

At PA Distance, the goal is to collaborate with each student and their family to create attainable long-term goals. 


PA Distance Learning exists to change lives for the better. We blend proven classroom teaching techniques with educational technologies to promote academic growth for all students by personalizing their learning experience and providing a supportive online community. 




مدوّنة الطالب الضيف: 5 مفاجآت من سنتي الأولى في مدرسة الإنترنت


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