معلمو التعلم عن بعد في السلطة الفلسطينية يحفزون الطلاب من خلال الموسيقى قبل موسم الاختبارات




Spring is in full swing across the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Much like the weather, the testing season is heating up as well. Pennsylvania Distance Learning Charter School students are tasked with taking the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, as well as the Keystone Exams before completing the academic year.



With summer right around the corner, the PA Distance Learning teachers do all they can to motivate their students to finish the year strong by doing well on the PSSA and Keystone exams. This year, teachers broke into groups to write and perform motivational songs based on the instrumental versions of songs popular with their students.



Altering hit songs like “Party in the USA” and “Baby Shark” is just one example of the many ways our teachers motivate their students during the testing season. There are also pep rallies throughout the year to get the students amped up.



No matter the grade level, or the exam, the testing season can create anxiety for our students and our teachers do all they can to ease that anxiety so all of our students head into their testing center feeling relaxed and ready to conquer the task at hand.



PA Distance Learning is an online charter school for students in Kindergarten-12th grade. The school promotes student growth by blending proven classroom teaching techniques with educational technologies. Our Highly Qualified and effective teachers spend the majority of their days interacting with students through our virtual classrooms.



The blended learning experience gives students the opportunity to interact with peers and teachers on a daily basis while also completing coursework in the comfort and safety of their own home. Click here for more information about enrolling at PA Distance Learning or call one of our enrollment specialists at 888-997-3352.


مدرسة ميثاق التعلم عن بُعد التابعة للسلطة الفلسطينية تنتقل إلى حرم هربرت الجامعي للعام الدراسي 2020-2021


ماري آن كالديرون تفوز بجائزة التميز في حوكمة البيانات لعام 2019 من شبكة جودة البيانات