Students Issued a Variety of Technology & Educational Equipment
When they enroll at PA Distance, students are issued Chromebook laptops to attend their live classes, interact with their teachers, classmates, school counselors, and attend after-school clubs, virtual field trips and complete their asynchronous assignments each week. This year, PA Distance is issuing a few different pieces of equipment to enhance our student’s learning.
Here’s what’s new for the 2021-2022 school year:
- Chromebook Duet: Students in grades K-2 will receive a Chromebook Duet tablet which is equipped with a touch screen and detachable keyboard. It also has a USB-C hub to enable students to attach their second larger display monitor.
- Samsung Galaxy Tab S7: 2-D Animation students will receive a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 in addition to their Chromebook laptops. High School art teacher, Mr. Evan Rumble, is looking forward to teaching his students to use these tablets to create art in a growing virtual world.
- HP Laptop: Computer Science II and AP Computer Science students will receive an HP laptop computer.
In addition to this various technological equipment, students receive shipments with all of the necessary materials required for the entire school year including school supplies, class-specific items like novels, music equipment, art supplies, and laboratory gear.
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نبذة عن مدرسة PA للتعلم عن بُعد المستأجرة
منذ عام 2004، توفر PA Distance بيئة تعليمية افتراضية ترحيبية للطلاب في الصفوف من الروضة إلى الصف الثاني عشر في جميع أنحاء ولاية بنسلفانيا. ينخرط الطلاب في PA Distance في بيئة مختلطة تجمع بين التعلم "المتزامن" و"غير المتزامن". تتمثل مهمة PA Distance في مزج تقنيات التدريس في الفصول الدراسية التي أثبتت جدواها مع التقنيات التعليمية لتعزيز النمو الأكاديمي لجميع الطلاب.