The Book Buddies Program Connects K-12 Students with Reading

Book Buddies has kicked off the program this year with Read Across America Week (February 28 - March 5), at the beginning of National Reading Month, and will continue beyond that. For the Book Buddies program, students in grades 7-12 work with elementary teachers to read books aloud to their younger elementary peers. 

“The Book Buddies program has shown me more than anything else that our students have a renewed passion for reading this year,” high school English teacher, co-Student Leadership / Book Buddies staff sponsor, Mrs. Donofrio said. “They want to share that with the elementary students and bring these stories to life for them.”

Since introducing the Book Buddies program, there has been no hesitation amongst the PA Distance upperclassmen to volunteer, meet their younger peers, and bring a smile to their faces using books. 

“It is heartwarming to see the high schoolers get just as much joy out of Book Buddies as their elementary counterparts do,” high school English teacher, co-Student Leadership / Book Buddies staff sponsor, Miss Kelly added.

10th-grader, Alex J., is instrumental in helping coordinate the Book Buddies program, as the Vice President of the Student Leadership club. 

“Alex has taken the lead and is extremely passionate about books and was a big part of getting Book Buddies going again this year,” Mrs. Donofrio said. 

“I’ve been assigned to read to Miss Sapp’s elementary music students. I like reading to younger kids but also offer myself as an older student to talk to if they need help,” Alex said. “It’s just a fun way to get interactive with the younger students when you normally wouldn't have contact with them.” 

“I love Book Buddies and the joy you can bring to elementary students just by reading a book,” 11th grader, Student Leadership member, and Book Buddy, Rickelle H. added.

Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Davis sees first-hand the importance of reading aloud to her students. 

“Book buddies help to create a positive peer role model and mentor experience,” Mrs. Davis explained, “The scholars can see and hear how someone closer to their age can use the reading techniques we are learning in class; such as fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, using picture clues, and much more!”

Other members of Book Buddies & Student Leadership also noted their participation and excitement about it. 

“I wanted to share something I'm passionate about with the elementary students. I got assigned to read Matilda to the 2nd-graders and I think we're going to have a lot of fun together,” 12th grader, Isabella R. explained. “I also read other books to the 4th-grade homeroom throughout the school year.”

“Reading made a difference in my life and I want others to have that same experience,” 7th grader, Natalia V. said, of her participation in the Book Buddies program. “When I got older and started reading more books, I knew I wanted to become an author. I want other children to be able to have a connection like I did.” 

Stay tuned to hear about the Book Buddies program, more reading initiatives, and fun for our students here on the blog and on social media. Happy National Reading Month, everyone!



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