أهم 10 أسباب تجعلنا نحب أن نكون طلاباً في برنامج التعليم عن بُعد في السلطة الفلسطينية

 Co-authored by Kiara Millie (Junior) and Garrett Pelkofer (Senior)

People have many views about cyber schools versus brick and mortar public schools. In brick and mortar schools, there’s constant contact with other people which is a plus for some. At PA Distance Learning Charter School, students get to learn and experience new things. Independence is one of the most important factors of a cyber school student. Students are expected to learn and do things for themselves, this helps create lifelong learners and students who are driven and motivated. 

Below, we have listed our top 10 reasons why PA Distance Learning Charter School has helped us grow as students.

1. Teachers 

Why Students Love Cyber School

PA Distance Learning Charter School teachers are some of the most helpful teachers we’ve had. They make themselves available to you if you’re struggling, and they’re understanding about all student needs. Teachers are willing to meet every need and answer every question. Not only are they helpful and understanding, they all seem to take a genuine interest in the lives of their students. Many often engage in meaningful personal conversations that create a deeper student-teacher relationship. 

2. Low Stress

Our school is so flexible, and the hours to submit assignments to complete work are wide open.  This creates a very low stress environment for students. One of the pluses of any cyber school environment is the ability to complete school work on your own time. You aren’t pressured to complete something in a hasty manner. Students can always take a moment to catch their breath and relax in order to avoid being too flustered. This allows students to slow down and make sure assignments are done completely and correctly. It also encourages them to build a complete daily schedule for sleep, work, and play. 

3. Freedom to Access Schoolwork Anywhere

In cyber school, you’re not limited to one place to do work or go to class. You’re free to access work and classes on vacation, at Starbucks, at  your grandma’s house,  and on your break at work. We’ve personally done all four. (Also, working from home allows our furry friends to study along with us.)

Why Students Love PA Distance Learning Cyber School

4. Resources

For families who may be low-income or have to follow a very tight budget, at our school there are many resources the school helps provide families at little to no cost to them so they can focus on what is truly important - education. Our school provides each student with a computer, printer, calculator, textbooks and school supplies to ensure quality education. Field trips are typically covered by our school’s FLEX funds and we offer reimbursement for internet, tutoring, and some recreational activities in relation to education. 

5. Friendly Students

It’s easy to make friends in classes. We’ve met really cool people in our classes and clubs that we’ve joined. Most students are willing to help you out and are always welcoming to new students. 

6. After School Clubs

The clubs after school are of growing importance to our school ecosystem. As members we look forward to our weekly student government sessions that allow us to make a definite impact on the school. Not only do clubs allow students to change and improve the school, but it also allows students to get to know one another and build friendships with other students. These clubs are a great platform to share interests, make friends, and make student voices heard.

7. Flexible Schedule

Why Students Love PA Distance Learning Cyber School
Another benefit of the flexible nature of our school is the ability to complete schoolwork whenever students are best able to. Work can be done at any time before 11:59 p.m., and this really comes in handy with longer assignments. Students can also incorporate other activities into their school day, like work, sports, or other extracurricular activities. Another cool benefit of PA Distance Learning Charter School is the ability to work ahead. If students find themselves tossing and turning at night, they can knock out some work rather than stare at their ceiling, and thus, it gives them a head start on tomorrow. (Plus there is no dress code so pajamas are encouraged. :) ) 

8. Great Courses

Our school offers a wide variety of courses that meet a range of student interests and that students can dive into and learn about in-depth. Students are also offered clubs to participate in which can help build character and experience to ready you for college or the work force. 

9. Promotes Independence and Responsibility

Cyber school is extremely helpful for a student’s maturity and responsibility. You set up your own schedule and learn in the best way for yourself.  In addition, you are responsible for reaching out to peers and teachers when you need help. This is also a good form of college and workforce preparation. Students are entirely responsible for their assignments, learning the material, and being motivated to complete tasks. This foundation teaches students skills early that they will need to prepare them for higher education or the work force.

10. Field Trips

Field trips are a quality way to encourage students to get together to see really cool places as a school. They create opportunities for students to get to know each other and meet in person. Students also get the chance to meet with their teachers and experience new things alongside them. 

Cyber school can be suitable for anyone, but it isn’t for everyone. Here at PA Distance Learning Charter School, however, the school creates a suitable, enjoyable, and flexible environment for all who attend. Students are able to obtain life skills, experience a liberating education, and take their schooling with them wherever. Despite the distance. 


التعليم عن بُعد عن بُعد في السلطة الفلسطينية


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