Ishmael Thomas, Schüler der 8. Klasse, zeichnet sich durch hervorragende Leistungen im Unterricht aus, nimmt außerschulische Angebote wahr und ist mit seiner Gemeinde verbunden
8th-grader, Ishmael of Philadelphia, PA (who likes to go by his nickname, “Ish”) is new to the PA Distance family after having enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year. However, that hasn’t stopped him from immediately excelling in his classes, forming relationships with teachers and staff, contributing to leadership opportunities, and even giving back to his local community.
Ish started at PA Distance this last September, and since then, has made quite the impact.
“Although this is Ish's first year with PA Distance, he is thriving in the cyber environment and has made many friends,” Science teacher, Mrs. Simmons said. “He thrives on social interactions and supporting other students' learning.”
Not only is he doing well within his classes, but he is a member of the Middle School Student Leadership group where he helps brainstorm community-building activities within the school and create video announcements for his peers to watch in their respective virtual Homerooms.
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“It helps expand my leadership skills and with my confidence,” he said. “It helps me interact with other students, share my ideas, and not be afraid to speak up.”
“I get to work with people that I don’t normally see every day and incorporate my ideas with their ideas,” Ish noted. “We are one unit working together to help the school.”
Ish also volunteers to help out with the Book Buddies program and reads to his younger elementary peers and participated in the latest science-themed WIN Time through an engineering challenge and won 3rd-place amongst his 8th-grade classmates.
“I like to see different sides of PA Distance,” he explained. “I like being able to meet and interact with other students through these activities outside of class.”
Ish is also in the after-school Kitchen Adventures Club, with Mrs. Brennen and Mrs. Iannessa, where he learns how to create different delicious recipes that he and his clubmates can make at home.
“We learned different kitchen safety rules and how to use specific utensils,” Ish explained. “The first thing we learned to make was a strawberry smoothie. It tasted really good.”
Most notably, Ish approached his middle school principal, Ms. Crandall, about coordinating a Supply Drive for his local PSPCA chapter in Philadelphia. His passion for helping animals started recently when he and his step-mom cared for a baby mouse, without a mother, that they had found in their home.
“I never felt anything like it. I felt like I found something I was meant to do and I loved it,” Ish explained. “Then, that got me thinking that I wanted to do this for all animals. That was when I decided to start a Supply Drive for my local shelter.”
Ish, and members of the PA Distance Community Engagement Team, will collect donations throughout March and April. At the end of April, the team plans to deliver all of the supplies to the PSPCA headquarters in Philadelphia.
“Ishmael is a true student leader committed to making a difference in the world, middle school Principal, Ms. Crandall said. “I was so impressed with how he reached out to me and shared his passion and love for animals and his need to organize a fundraiser for the local SPCA in his home area. This young man is already making a difference in the world!”
“I've teamed up with the school and we have come so far. We have full boxes of donations from PA Distance staff, more people donating online, and the feedback has been positive.”
Extracurriculars, volunteer activity, and fundraising aside, Ish’s main goal is to excel academically.
“My goal is to have the highest GPA that I can possibly get,” Ish explained. “I know that I can do it.”
Although Ish is only in 8th-grade, he already has an idea of what he wants to pursue post-graduation. He aspires to attend Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, or the University of Texas at El Paso.
“After that, I want to go to medical school to become a doctor,” he added.
After spending over half a school year within the virtual walls of PA Distance, Ish benefits from the instructional model and staff resources at his fingertips.
“My favorite part about PA Distance is the teachers,” Ish said. “They are helpful in ways I can’t explain. They’re committed to helping their students and making sure they have everything we need to succeed.”
“Their energy is through the roof,” he said of his teachers. “They are always excited to teach and they show that excitement in class.”
“I encourage my classmates to develop relationships with the teachers at PA Distance. It can help you succeed if you talk with them often,” he added. “I’ve made plenty of relationships with my teachers and especially with my school counselor, Mr. Murray.”
“Ish is passionate, hardworking, has great leadership skills, and advocates for himself all the time,” 8th-grade school counselor, Mr. Murray explained. “He reaches out to me to talk about his classes, how he’s feeling, and his future.”
Ish noted that while he is learning online, unique from his past school experience, he still has many opportunities to socialize and make friends.
“We have many opportunities to make friends whether it's in class or in after-school clubs,” Ish explained. “Just because we don’t see each other in person doesn't mean we can’t have friends.”
“I recommend online learning at PA Distance because it is more accessible,” Ish added. “You can talk to teachers whenever you want and get help when you need it.”
"One step in the right direction can make a big impact on yourself and others around you!" Ish noted.
Follow Ish’s work to give back to his local community here on our school blog and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.