Adapting to Life Under State Shutdowns: 9th-grader Kyla Zimmerman

As a public cyber-charter school serving K-12 students throughout the Commonwealth, PA Distance families reside in almost all 67 counties in Pennsylvania. Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, Governor Tom Wolf announced a stay-at-home order for all counties across the state and mandated the closure of all non-essential businesses to stop the spread of COVID-19.

While the lives of most Americans have been impacted in some way by the COVID-19 pandemic, small business owners across the country are some of the hardest hit. Their way of life is threatened as our nation simultaneously battles an invisible enemy. Like many others across the country, PA Distance students, and their families, make up some of those whose livelihoods are at stake.

Kyla Zimmerman, PA Distance ninth-grader, shares her family's hardship as small business owners during the COVID-19 outbreak. Kyla's family owns Martins Farmhouse, a charming brick-and-mortar shop that sells country home decor, gifts, and Amish-made furniture. Similar to the situations of other retailers, the state-wide business closure order has left Martin's Farmhouse to do business solely online.

Kyla Zimmerman (1)-1

"I have two younger brothers and also a younger sister. My brothers often help with the handyman type of jobs around the business, and they also assist my dad when there is furniture deliveries," Kyla explained. "My younger sister helps by pricing new products. I do a little bit of everything from being a cashier to furniture deliveries and even help decorate displays."

Kyla and her family are working to adapt their business from a retail storefront to e-commerce in a short time. "While our store has been around for 19 years, our website is fairly new so right now my main job has been to add products onto the website," she noted.

Kyla Zimmerman (2)

Kyla also explains that an online education with PA Distance allows her to help her family with their business, which is especially valuable right now.

"We chose PA Distance because we wanted more flexibility in my daily schedule so that I could have more opportunities to help out with housework and the family business," Kyla noted. "This was the first time that I have attended a cyber school, but I am thoroughly enjoying my time at PA Distance."

Kyla Zimmerman's story is, unfortunately, just one of many across the country in similar situations due to COVID-19. Kyla's family, and families across the country, have done their best to adapt to the current situation but struggle to attract business to stay afloat.

As a school, PA Distance is dedicated to supporting our students and families during this difficult time. Receiving a quality education for their children should not be among the worries that Pennsylvania families face. Together, our administration, staff, and teachers are staying true to PA Distance values and committed to providing a quality education to those who need it. In good times and in bad, PA Distance is Where Teaching Still Matters.

As a PA Distance family, it's crucial now more than ever to reach out for support during this uncertain and stressful time. If you're a member of the PA Distance family and would like to share your experience navigating through the COVID-19 outbreak, please contact PA Distance Family Outreach Coordinator, David Pierce, at


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Teacher Spotlight: Career Education & Work Special Education Teacher Ms. Budd