Die Lehrerin für Wirtschaftstechnologie, Frau Azzaro, ist Finalistin bei den eDynamic Career Compass Awards

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PA Distance Business Technology Teacher, Ms. Azzaro was recently named as a finalist for the 2nd Annual eDynamic Learning Career Compass Awards! The Career Compass Award honors teachers who use the eDynamic Learning curriculum to help guide students in their career discovery, keep them engaged, and prepare them for their future.

“I feel excited and honored to have been chosen as a finalist for this award,” Ms. Azzaro said. “I've taught eDynamics courses for eight years. Over this time, I've not only seen the eDynamics curriculum evolve, but my approach to teaching the material has also evolved.”

PA Distance uses eDynamics for various high school courses, including our Hospitality & Tourism elective class that Ms. Azzaro teaches. In this course, she introduces students to one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Students learn about key hospitality issues, the development, and management of tourist locations, event planning, marketing, and environmental issues related to leisure and travel. 

Ms. Azzaro was chosen as a Career Compass Teacher Award Finalist after submitting information about how she uses eDynamics to teach her Hospitality & Tourism course.

“I feel successful when I provide my students with quality content in an effective format for them to learn. eDynamics Learning supports my success by providing the freedom and flexibility to use the content, framework, and resources in a way that best supports my students,” Ms. Azzaro added.

As a finalist, Ms. Azzaro will be recognized at the eDynamic Learning Career Compass Award virtual ceremony on Saturday, May 21st, 2022. A professional development event will take place before and after the ceremony for school districts who want to learn more about the eDynamic Learning and Knowledge Matters curriculum for in-class, blended learning, online learning, or best practices for utilizing digital curriculum and resources.

Alongside Hospitality and Tourism, applicants from across the country were chosen from each of the following 16 categories:

  1. Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
  2. Arts, A/V, Technology, & Communications
  3. Business, Finance, & Marketing
  4. Workplace & Internship Readiness
  5. Education & Human Services
  6. Electives Digital Curriculum
  7. Health Science
  8. Hospitality & Tourism
  9. Information Technology, STEM, & Engineering
  10. Law, Public Safety, & Government
  11. Middle School Digital Curriculum
  12. Knowledge Matters Simulations for Business (Entrepreneurship or Management)
  13. Knowledge Matters Simulations for Fashion
  14. Knowledge Matters Simulations for Finance (Personal Finance or Accounting)
  15. Knowledge Matters Simulations for Hospitality & Tourism (Restaurant or Hotel)
  16. Knowledge Matters Simulations for Marketing (Sports & Entertainment or Retailing)

Read more about the awards (and the prizes for winners/runners-up!). 


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