Amber Fox, Kunstlehrerin an der Grundschule, freut sich darauf, jungen Schülern bei der Entdeckung der Kunst zu helfen

Amber Fox Blog Photo

Ms. Amber Fox is starting her first year at PA Distance as the K-2 art teacher. As a Pennsylvania native, Ms. Fox is excited to kick off her teaching career with an eager group of kindergarten, first-, and second-grade students. 

When she was a student, she always gravitated toward expressing herself and showcasing her creativity through art. 

“All of my favorite teachers growing up were math teachers,” Ms. Fox explained. “But then I started taking elective classes when I got to high school and discovered my love for art.” 

She earned her bachelor’s degree at Thiel College in Greenville, PA, in Fine Arts. After entering the workforce at an art studio, she realized her love for teaching art. 

“I loved interacting with people and kids of all ages,” she explained. “So I decided to go back to school to become a teacher.” 

She later graduated with a master’s in Art Education from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA, to combine her love for art and teaching into a new career. 

“I am a firm believer that everyone has artistic skills,” she noted. “It’s whether you choose to use them or not.” 

“I want to help students be creative and teach them how to use creativity,” she added. “I’m super excited to start teaching art to kindergarten, first, and second grade. It’s so cool to see the little ones mix paint and understand color for the first time. It’s so great to see them discover new things.” 

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Ms. Fox is excited to join the K-12 educators at PA Distance for the 2022-2023 school year and looks forward to getting to know her students inside and outside of the virtual classroom. 

“I’m looking forward to attending in-person field trips this year,” she said. “I think it's so cool that PA Distance plans so many interactive trips outside of class for students to get to know each other.” 

The art department has already been coordinating with the Community Engagement Team to celebrate the artwork she and her colleagues’ students will be creating this school year. 

“I can’t wait to see what the school year has in store,” Ms. Fox said. “I’m ready to jump in and meet my students.” 


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Ruthie Waters, Absolventin des Jahrgangs 2019, war die erste, aber nicht die letzte PA-Fernstudentin in ihrer Familie