Erwartungen eines PA-Elternteils/Erziehungsberechtigten
As a reminder in the new year, we are here to help you navigate your role as a PA Distance parent/guardian every step of the way. However, we want you to know that parents/guardians of PA Distance students are expected to be involved in student academic progress as a facilitator, not a teacher.
To get you started, here are some of the expectations that we ask of you and your family so that your child has what they need to succeed:
- Provide a safe & secure environment for your child to work and thrive
- Maintain an active high-speed internet connection so that your child can complete assignments and attend live classes
- Let PA Distance know if your child is in need of refills of provided supplies (printer ink, printer paper, grade-level specific materials, etc.)
- Maintain a line of communication with your child’s teachers, principals, school counselors, and any other necessary school staff members
- Regularly check your PA Distance parent email account for important messages, upcoming dates and events, and school news
- Attend the Virtual Orientation Session with the Family Engagement Team
- Ensure that your child is attending school, adhering to the attendance policy, and signing in every school day
- K-12 students at PA Distance engage in a blended learning environment. We refer to this unique and personalized combination as “synchronous” and “asynchronous”.
- Our Elementary students spend approximately 2.5 – 3.5 hours per school day. Of that, our students spend approximately 2 hours per day, outside of their scheduled Live Learning sessions, working on asynchronous assignments.
- The Middle School & High School students are required to engage in a total of 5.5 hours of school per day
- Facilitate the learning and needs of your child (if applicable depending on their age or if in a Special Education program)
- Check your child’s grades on a regular basis and reach out to teachers, principals, school counselors, and support staff with any concerns
- Comply with local and state testing requirements
- Maintain and update address and contact information in the event of a move or phone number change
- Complete and update annual health forms and immunizations
PA Distance parents/guardians must also have an understanding of technology to provide appropriate supervision of the student while the student is in attendance. Basic knowledge includes, but is not limited to email, basic use of Google applications, and the Internet. If you need assistance or have any questions about navigating the PA Distance online environment, please reach out to our Technology Department.
For questions or concerns about any of the information above, please call us at (888) 997-3352 or contact us online.