Linda Williams, Spezialistin für Elternkontakte, freut sich darauf, Beziehungen zu schaffen, die den Erfolg der Schüler fördern

Linda Williams (1)

Mrs. Linda Williams, the new Parent Connections Specialist, joins the PA Distance team with a variety of experience working with children. From her background in teaching yoga to her work to help students develop an at-home nutritional plan, Mrs. Williams has a lot of knowledge that will benefit PA Distance families. 

“As a new role at the school, I am excited to support the staff and families in a unique way.” Mrs. Williams explained. “I applied as soon as I heard about the opportunity.” 

As the Parent Connections Specialist, Mrs. Williams will work heavily with PA Distance parents to support them as they support their student's academic progress. With the new school year comes a new opportunity for Mrs. Williams to begin developing relationships to do so. 

“I want to create space for parents to discuss the goals they have for their child(ren)Quote and how we can help get them there based on their personal situations,” Mrs. Williams explained. “My motto is always asking what is the next right choice that I can make for students,” she said. 

Prior to the 2022-2023 school year beginning on August 31st, Mrs. Williams worked with PA Distance staff to plan for the year and set specific goals. 

“Cross-department collaboration is going to be really important for this school year. We have so many great people at PA Distance that want to help and have resources to do so,” Mrs. Williams said. “I want to work with each parent so that our resources work for them.” 

“By the end of the school year, I would like to say that I intimately know at least 100 parents,” she added. “My main goal is to support parents and connect in a way that helps their children thrive. I’m looking forward to creating new avenues for success.”


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