Vorbereitung der Schüler auf zukünftigen Erfolg in einer K-12 Cyber School
What is CEW and how do we bring it to life in a cyber school setting?
CEW stands for Career Education and Work. Our mission at PA Distance Learning is to provide students with exciting educational opportunities both in and out of the classroom setting. Our students can learn about future career possibilities, while also meeting required Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards. Today’s economy provides students with many different opportunities after high school, allowing them to personalize their career path to best suit their individual needs.
But why have a CEW program?
The Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Career Education and Work reflect the increasing complexity and sophistication that students experience as they progress through school.
Career Education and Work Standards describe what students should know and be able to do at four grade levels (3, 5, 8 and 11) in four areas:
♦ Career Awareness and Preparation
♦ Career Acquisition (Getting a Job)
♦ Career Retention and Advancement
♦ Entrepreneurship
Our CEW program at PA Distance Learning provides lessons and opportunities for all students in grades K-12 to explore future career options.
In addition to receiving monthly CEW lessons, our Kindergarten and 1st grade students can attend Elementary Career Fairs, and also hear from various career guest speakers. Students in grades 3-7 receive monthly CEW lessons, are given opportunities to attend Career Fairs, and can also hear from postsecondary speakers about future possibilities. Students in grades 8-12 receive monthly CEW lessons, hear from various career and post-secondary speakers, and also have the opportunity to attend different post-secondary Institution tours.
Being a cyber school has allowed us to provide a plethora of partnership opportunities with outside agencies to better serve our students. The students learn about different post-secondary institutions without missing classes, and all from their personal computers!
We are also able to schedule small campus tours that are geared towards student interests and location. Students and parents can decide if they want to attend a campus tour, rather than going because it is a scheduled field trip.
Families, PA Distance staff, and most importantly the students all take on an active role to ensure proper implementation of the CEW Program and overall success for students after high school. As students develop interests and ideas, we must all partner together to help set their career goals. We strive to ensure a bright and attainable future for all of our students upon completion of high school!
For more information about our program and events, check out the Career Education and Work-College & Career Readiness Website.