Wer profitiert von der Schulwahl? Treffen Sie Teagan & Brennan

PA Distance provides the setting in which all students can reach their full potential. Teagan and Brennan's education thrives in the comfort and custom environment of their home. PA Distance gives them the resources they need to grow academically and doesn’t allow their muscular dystrophy to impede or distract from their success.

Teagan and Brennan are exceptionally bright children. Their teachers and classmates count themselves lucky to have them in the online classroom! In a brick-and-mortar school, Teagan and Brennan would be stuck in their wheelchairs and wouldn’t have the freedom to move around. Teagan and Brennan's mother also has muscular dystrophy. She knew she wanted more for her children than what she experienced in conventional schools. She saw that utilizing a cyber charter school would enable her children to have as normal a childhood as possible. Without PA Distance, more time would be spent on the logistics of moving through the day rather than in propelling Teagan and Brennan to grow academically. Here at PA Distance, they have no one to tell them they are different. They can work in their wheelchair, their stander, or simply on the floor.

We are grateful to have Teagan and Brennan a part of our school community!

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Über die PA Distance Learning Charter School

Seit 2004 bietet PA Distance eine einladende virtuelle Lernumgebung für Schüler der Klassenstufen K-12 in ganz Pennsylvania. Die Schüler bei PA Distance lernen in einer gemischten Umgebung, die "synchrones" und "asynchrones" Lernen kombiniert. PA Distance hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, bewährte Unterrichtsmethoden mit Bildungstechnologien zu kombinieren, um das akademische Wachstum aller Schüler zu fördern.



Frau Elisa Carpenter unterrichtet Grundschüler virtuell in Musik


Competition Makes Us Stronger