4 Tips for Setting Up a Productive Learning Space

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Setting up productive learning spaces for students is one of the most important parts of a successful school year. While PA Distance provides all of the important tools and materials that each student needs to succeed, it’s up to each family to provide a productive, supportive, and positive learning environment for academic success. 

When determining the best location for one (or several) learning spaces, consider the following:

  1. Maintain Calm & Quiet: It’s important to have a workspace that is both calm and quiet during the school day so that each student can easily hear their teachers during live learning and any interaction with their classmates. Having a quiet space––free of potential distractions––is necessary for peak productivity and concentration.
  2. Make It Comfortable: Students spend upwards of 5.5 hours (depending on their grade level) attending live class and working on schoolwork during the day. Having a comfortable workspace during this time is key. A comfortable chair set up at a table/desk of the right height can make all the difference.

Pro Tip: Is the student using their laptop for a live learning session or meeting with a teacher? Have them set it up on a stack of books or a cardboard box. If the laptop monitor is positioned too low relative to their eye height, a student might end up hunched over and could potentially strain their neck.

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  1. Keep It Organized: Staying organized is one of the crucial parts of learning in an online environment. Since everything each student needs will be at home, or on their computer, keeping it all in one organized place makes things easier. There’s nothing worse than trying to help your child find their fitness equipment when Health & Wellness class starts in 5 minutes. 

Printing out your student’s schedule, and putting it where everyone can see, can also be helpful. 

  1. Keep It Bright: Ensure that each student’s workspace has enough light. This allows them to see their work, teachers, classmates, and materials with ease. It also allows their teachers and classmates to see them, too! 

Pro Tip: Add a lamp with an LED bulb to reduce eyestrain. 

We also recommend having different spots for learning in your home based on what the child’s schedule looks like. For example, a desk may be the best learning space for work requiring more focus and attention. The dining room or kitchen table may be best suited for hands-on art projects, science labs, or music classes. And lastly, a quiet nook can be perfect for reading assignments, math problems, or listening to a lesson. 

Similar to adults while at work, children benefit from taking small breaks, switching positions, or having a change of scenery every few hours. Studies show that learning in various locations enhances a student’s ability to absorb and remember information.

Additional Support

For additional support during the school year, our dedicated school counselors are equipped to answer questions or lend advice for each child’s success. Find your student’s school counselor on our staff list via our website


Sources: https://www.parents.com/kids/education/back-to-school/how-to-set-up-an-virtual-learning-space-at-home-for-kids/


La Sra. Linda Williams, especialista en conexiones con los padres, espera crear relaciones que fomenten el éxito de los estudiantes


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