5 Reasons Why Our Students are Successful


As a public cyber charter school, we provide a welcoming environment for our students across Pennsylvania to learn and grow. Our teachers get to know each child, understand their needs, and personalize their learning experience to provide an outlet for success.

Here are five reasons why our students are successful:

Our Teachers are Passionate

“I transfer my passion for history into my classes by encouraging my students to take a hands-on approach,” 8th grade history teacher Mrs. Jones said. “There are a lot of opportunities to be creative and to be as impactful as possible in live learning sessions. I strive to foster discussion within my classes and my students seem to enjoy that.”

“My favorite part about teaching is getting to talk about my passion all day. I have always loved reading and talking about books,” high school English teacher Mrs. Donofrio said. “I love getting to talk to the kids and getting to know them and share my passion with them. If I love a book and get really excited about it, I love to share that with them and see that they are excited, too.”

We Provide Hands-On Learning Opportunities

Elementary music teacher Ms. Sapp teaches her students music skills that involve dancing, singing, reading, and making their own music. 4th graders receive xylophone kits and rhythm sticks, while the 5th graders get boom whackers sent to their homes.

“For example, in my 5th grade class, we sing songs and they hit their boom whackers along with the musical notes,” she explained. “It teaches them how to read music and how different notes sound.”

We Offer a Graduation Recovery Program

PA Distance’s Graduation Recovery program is for students who have fallen behind in their classes and, in some cases, delayed them from advancing into the next grade. Graduation Recovery teacher Ms. Veronica Steigerwald works with students to help them get back to where they should be academically.

“The students and I set up a lot of one-on-one meetings,” she said. “Every student is in a different place and we develop a plan together so it works uniquely for them,” she explained. 

Our Teachers Care, A Lot

“We care for our students and want them to be successful. I have never seen the level of commitment we have here at PA Distance,” high school social studies teacher, Mr. Mysels, explained. “I believe we have some of the best teachers around.”

We Instill Confidence & Life-Long Skills

“Our cyber setting helps students to work independently, to self-advocate, ask for help when they need it and to be organized,” High school psychology and social studies teacher, Ms. Petraglia explained. “Every time our students log in to school on their computer and do their schoolwork, they actively choose to do that. They are accountable. In this way, they learn valuable skills that students in brick-and-mortar settings do not.”

Ms. Petraglia also admits that cyber schools benefit students outside of academics and school work. “I see a lot of kids come out of their shell without having the pressure of being in a classroom. As a cyber school, we have the advantage of connecting with the kids who feel they can’t connect with people in a brick-and-mortar setting,” she explained.

Hear more from our teachers & staff, here: https://youtu.be/c5ja0dBPDd0


Acerca de PA Distance Learning Charter School

Desde 2004, PA Distance ha estado proporcionando un entorno de aprendizaje virtual acogedor para los estudiantes en los grados K-12 a través de Pennsylvania. Los estudiantes de PA Distance participan en un entorno mixto que combina el aprendizaje "síncrono" y "asíncrono". La misión de PA Distance es combinar técnicas probadas de enseñanza en el aula con tecnologías educativas para promover el crecimiento académico de todos los estudiantes.


5th-Grade Teacher, Chelsea Hartford, Conveys Her Love for Science & Social Studies


Los estudiantes reciben diversos equipos tecnológicos y educativos