8th-Grader, Kasir Sabree-Scott, Has a Variety of Goals Post-Graduation


Kasir Sabree-Scott, from Delaware County, PA, isn’t your average 8th-grade student. He has more than one ambition after he graduates from high school. From pursuing his love for football and interior design to building freshwater wells in underprivileged communities in Africa. Kasir has goals that your average student may not even think about.  

“I want to play football but I also want to do interior design and be an activist, too,” Kasir explained. He has dreams of playing football in the NFL one day and also having his own interior design show on HGTV. 

“I would love to design rooms from scratch. Like within an empty house after a renovation or new build. I really like drawing and designing things,” he said. “I love when things match and go together perfectly.” 

After watching documentaries and seeing commercials on TV about the topic, Kasir decided that building clean water wells in Africa to help people has a place in his future. One organization that builds such wells, The Water Project, builds new wells, rehabs neglected wells, constructs rain catchment tanks, protects springs, and installs sand dams where appropriate across sub-Saharan Africa. They also empower our in-country experts along with the communities themselves to determine what makes sense. In these communities, women, and girls spend hours a day fetching dirty water for their families - leading to illness and disease. 

“With the money I make, I want to build wells in Africa and make a bunch of foster homes that come with everything a kid would want,” he added.  “I want to help others know they are cared for and have a safe environment to grow up in. No kid should ever be homeless, hungry, or have someone that cares for them.”

Kasir joined the PA Distance family last year when he was in 7th-grade. Upon enrolling, Kasir noticed the quality of teachers and the variety of extracurricular opportunities he had at his disposal like after-school clubs and Middle School Meet Up. Kasir is involved in Student Leadership, created PA Distance’s very own Anime Club, and helps lead Middle School Meet Up. 

"Kasir is a student that is totally unstoppable when he puts his mind to it,” Anime Club and Middle School Meet Up Sponsor, Mrs. Devlin, said. “He was in Student Leadership and expressed a desire to create an Anime Club. After trying to find a sponsor, I decided to support him in his journey and do it myself! He leads weekly club meetings that are filled with student-led discussions, games, and lots of laughter!"

During Anime Club, students talk about different Animes, showcase student artwork, and play games that the students create to challenge each other. 

“Anime Club is a bunch of fun,” he said. “I hear so many students say that, after we meet for the club period, it made their day.”

Kasir also enjoys leading his fellow classmates in the weekly Middle School Meet Ups, a virtual lunch group for students to have fun, play games, show off their pets, chat about non-school-related topics and activities each Friday. 

“Kasir is never shy to be on camera and helps me plan ideas prior to the meeting each week,” Mrs. Devlin noted. 

Kasir still has his entire high school career ahead of him, but that doesn’t stop him from thinking about his future, and how he plans to help people, after graduation. 


High School English Teacher, Ms. Maggie Kelly, Appreciates the Community of Students & Staff


Kai McCutcheon, alumno de undécimo grado, aspira a ser soldador tras graduarse