La competencia nos hace más fuertes

Throughout U.S. history, it’s been proven time and time again that when marketplaces grow, we all benefit. Competition encourages us to innovate, inspires us to grow, and enables everyone to reach greater heights. The same is true in education. School choice needs to be protected for families. Charter schools represent an opportunity for success in caring, structured environments. Upholding school choice protects the future for some of the most vulnerable children among us.

Families want options. Each year thoughtful parents make the decision to apply to charter schools, recognizing they are the best choice for their children. Parents invest effort to seek scholarships to private and parochial schools, committed to the well being of their children. An educational monopoly limits, not expands academic growth. Each child deserves access to the school best suited to their needs. School choice is a choice for the better.



¿Quién se beneficia de la elección de escuela? Conoce a Teagan y Brennan


Profesor destacado: Mr. Andrew Glaser, profesor de inglés de 8º curso