A different approach to education is offered to all K-12 students in PA

Wexford, PA | April 3, 2017: PA Distance Learning, a public cyber-charter school, is opening enrollment for 2017-18, which will begin on August 30, 2017.  It is their mission that all students in Pennsylvania have the opportunity to grow both in subject-areas and as individuals.  This is done by offering home-based online learning and relationship-centered technology using a Google Technology platform.

PA Distance Learning strives to put the Teacher-Student relationship at the center of the program. “We want students who come to us to feel comfortable,” said Social Studies teacher and Google Education Technology Coach Victoria DeRoner. “If you have that relationship with them, you can help them go for their dreams, set goals, and help them see that they can be something amazing.”

The PA Distance Learning teachers and staff capitalize on a vast array of teaching opportunities, from subject-area content, to goal setting, to 21st century professional communication. In the safety of their home, PA Distance Learning students earn a broad education, building practical technology and professional skills alongside inspiring relationships.

Families who enroll must have high-speed internet access, but all other school-required resources will be provided for their child’s education:

  • Daily access to teachers and staff via live class, video conferencing, phone, chat, and email
  • Special Education Services
  • Chromebook Laptop
  • School Supplies
  • Quarterly Internet Reimbursement

About PA Distance Learning: PA Distance Learning is a public cyber school founded in 2004 to serve Pennsylvania students in grades K-12.  A G-Suite School, PA Distance Learning specializes in live, interactive online learning classrooms using Google technology.  Learn more at padistance.org. 



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