Introduction to Zearn Math & How it Helps PA Distance Elementary Students

For the 2020-2021 school year, PA Distance has adopted Zearn Math, a top-rated K–5 “paper- and software-based curriculum that transforms the daily math block to create engagement and differentiation for all students.”

“We were looking for an elementary specific curriculum program,” PA Distance Elementary Principal, Mrs. Aubrey Ploesch, explained. “We wanted the best curriculum materials that were also true to our school’s mission.”


Zearn aligns with the PA Common Core Curriculum standards and the PA Framework for mathematics. Zearn Math has received a top rating from, an independent nonprofit that delivers evidence-based reviews of instructional materials.

“There are only two digital material programs for math out there that completely satisfies the PA Core Standards. One of them is Zearn, which we use for elementary math, and the other is enVision, which we use for high school math here at PA Distance.”

“When a student logs in, they see their name and their class. Every day they start with a ‘Number Gym,’ which is their math fluency practice for the day,” Mrs. Ploecsh explained.

“When the students complete an activity, Zearn gives them instant feedback in real-time,” she said. “After they do their ‘Number Gym,’ they have a teacher-facilitated group lesson and ‘Tower of Power” where they’re able to show what they learned,” she said.

“Zearn is built-in to their Learning Management System; it’s interactive and fun for them,” she said. “The kids love it.”

Zearn recently introduced a series of student intervention supports within their program. With Zearn Math for Intervention, students build foundational understanding directly linked to their teacher’s topic.

Zearn's Chief Academic Officer, Stephanie Ely, notes that this connected approach is critical to supporting deep understanding: "Mathematical coherence is so important in intervention contexts. So often, students who need more support receive digital interventions focused on isolated skill-building that is unconnected to the topics their teacher is teaching. Our program directly links digital learning and core instruction, helping students make sense of math and helping teachers ensure that their kids can more readily access daily grade-level learning."

The program knows where students need help, and supplements that by providing more lessons for those areas in which they’re struggling,” she said.

“Each teacher can see if students are struggling and exactly what concepts so they can zero in and assist,” she said.

Using the data from student participation in Zearn, PA Distance can soon develop research-based reports that they can use to assess the new system’s success.

“We will be able to gather data that supports our course of action moving forward,” Mrs. Ploesch explained.

“There are also some great resources for Parents and Caregivers, including a guide with how to use the materials,” she explained. “They even have parent webinars and overviews of how Zearn works.”

In addition to curricular materials, Zearn Math offers comprehensive professional development and School Accounts to support district- and school-wide learning. Beginning this school year, Zearn is offering Professional Development courses that are available to Account holders and can be accessed through Zearn’s digital platform.

“PA Distance is constantly improving ways to do things and researching the most innovative and successful programs available to us,” she explained. “When we found Zearn and piloted it within some of our classes, we instantly knew it would be perfect for our students.”

“We wanted something that met all of our expectations because that’s what our students deserve,” Mrs. Ploesch said. “We didn’t want to sacrifice our mission, and Zearn fits wonderfully with what we work towards each day.”


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