Keeping Students/Staff Safe During Testing Season

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PSSA and Keystone testing season is approaching and with it comes a new planning environment where safety is at the forefront. This year, PA Distance Testing Coordinator, Mrs. Laura Bailey, has been working hard to organize testing locations and assignments, as she does every year, with new COVID-19 protocols put in place.

“We are following all of the state guidelines for COVID-19 protocols and mitigation efforts,” Mrs. Bailey explained. “We also have to take into consideration the protocols for each testing site, too.”

Each year, Mrs. Bailey takes the list of students who are required to take either a PSSA or Keystone test and divides them into locations across the state. From there, she narrows the list down even further to specific locations within each city where testing sites will be located. For example, because Philadelphia is so highly populated with PA Distance students, Mrs. Bailey will set up multiple testing locations for students to attend that are no more than 45 minutes away from their homes. This year, because of social distancing guidelines, there are more testing locations in order to space out students appropriately. 

The majority of the testing locations are within hotel conference rooms and ballrooms. Historically, Mrs. Bailey would assign up to 20-30 students per testing location with up to two students placed at each table. This year, the highest number of students per room will be limited to 15-20, depending on the room size, and with only one student per table. For 2021, Mrs. Bailey has scheduled 35 testing sites for PSSA testing and 20 for Keystone testing this April and May. 

PA Distance teachers, staff, and administrators are assigned to each testing location to help proctor the exams, and this year, to make sure all guidelines are followed. Masks are required to be worn by all students, parents who are dropping them off, and PA Distance staff in attendance. 

“I’ve been working a lot with hotel management to figure out how many tables can fit in each room based on the size and social distancing guidelines,“ she explained. “The biggest challenge this year is figuring out how many students should be assigned to each testing location based on guidelines and the location’s proximity to each student’s home.”

In addition to extensive social distancing protocols, Mrs. Bailey is also making sure that each testing location has ample cleaning supplies, PPE (personal protective equipment), hand sanitizer, and tissues for each student. 

“The students’ and the staff members’ health are our first priority. We are going above and beyond to supply students with personal hand sanitizer and tissues and available PPE,” Mrs. Bailey explained. “We are also making sure to supply every testing site with more than enough cleaning supplies so that staff can disinfect high-touch surfaces before and after each day.”

“We are doing everything we can to make students, staff, and parents feel comfortable,” she added.

Mrs. Bailey notes that even though this year is different in many ways, due to COVID-19, it can still be an exciting time for students and staff. 

“Every year, testing is a time when students and staff can interact with each other face-to-face and everyone looks forward to it. Students get the chance to see some of their classmates, too,” she explained. “The staff is really looking forward to seeing everyone again and doing something that is slowly getting us back to normal.” 

These past few weeks, Mrs. Bailey held virtual parent information sessions about testing, new COVID-19 protocols, and gave families the opportunity to ask questions.

2021 Testing Dates:

PSSA Testing

April 19 - 23rd, 26 - 30th
May 3 - 7th

Keystone Testing

May 17 - 21st 

May 24 - 28th

For more information or to ask questions about testing, please email


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Presentación de los conectores comunitarios a distancia de AP