Payton Duncan, alumna de 4º curso de PA Distance, ganadora del concurso de arte de la Coalición de Escuelas Públicas Concertadas de PA

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The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools (PCPCS) named PA Distance 4th-grader Payton Duncan as a Fourth Annual Essay/Picture Competition winner for the artwork part of the contest. The contest invited charter school students across Pennsylvania to draw (grades K-4) and write about (grades 5-12) “a charter school teacher who inspired me and why”. 

“We are so excited and honored that Payton won. Mrs. Marinzel was her kindergarten teacher. Payton had the most wonderful first year of school with PA Distance,” Payton’s mom, Mrs. Duncan, said. “There are not enough wonderful things to say about her teacher and PA Distance as a school.” Paytons Art (1)

“I was very excited and happy that I won,” Payton said. “I knew which teacher to choose right away. I did my best and am glad I won.” 

Payton will be recognized at today’s PCPCS’s 2022 Annual Conference in Lancaster, PA. The PCPCS conference is focused on educating, inspiring, and connecting the charter movement in Pennsylvania and has joined PA Distance in supporting cyber school families since 2005.

“Payton’s work is consistent with what we hear about our teachers and staff every day. Her experience is not unique, and to see her lovely artwork as an expression of her gratitude for teachers makes me proud of her skills, her passion, and her willingness to share a story of a charter school teacher who made an impact on her,” Elementary Principal Mrs. Ploesh said. “I’m grateful that PCPCS has partnered with [law firm] Barton Gilman to give such a great opportunity to charter school students across the state.” 

Great work, Payton!


La asignatura optativa de diseño de juegos inspira la creatividad, fomenta el pensamiento crítico y estimula la exploración profesional


5 razones por las que la asistencia regular es necesaria en un entorno cibernético