Los alumnos de la ciberescuela a distancia de Pensilvania se comprometen a no consumir drogas
All week students across the nation and at PA Distance are celebrating Red Ribbon Week to increase drug prevention and awareness.
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At PA Distance, we use Red Ribbon Week as an opportunity to collaborate as a school-wide team and unify as a drug-free community. Our entire staff spends the week teaching our students about the negative effects of drug and alcohol use, making better choices, and how to plan for a drug-free future.
Our lessons include statistics, resources, anti-bullying lessons, career planning, parent involvement, and of course, fun activities to get our students motivated!
Some History
The Red Ribbon Campaign was created in 1985 by National Family Partnership, which was made up of a handful of concerned and determined parents who were convinced they should begin to play a leadership role in drug prevention. Nancy Reagan was an Honorary Chair of NFP.
Since its founding thirty years ago, NFP has devoted its efforts to the well-being of youth. Today, NFP is a national leader in drug prevention education & advocacy. Their mission is to lead and support our nation’s families and communities in nurturing the full potential of healthy, drug-free youth.
Why We Pledge
Children should be educated in the perils of drug use and given resources for drug prevention from a young age, but in today’s world, it is especially important.
The opioid crisis has been declared a national Public Health Emergency since October 2017, as more than 300,000 Americans have died from opioid-related overdoses in the last 18 years. In our own state, Governor Wolf issued a disaster declaration for the “heroin and opioid epidemic” as Pennsylvania has a drug overdose rate double the national average.
Wolf’s March 2018 declaration comes with a statewide plan for treatment and prevention throughout our communities. It is paramount that schools are central to conversations taking place around awareness, advocacy, and resources, and Red Ribbon Week is just one way that we do this.e national average.
How We Pledge
Participating in Red Ribbon Week in a virtual school is no different than in a brick-and-mortar school. In addition to lessons and activities, we still have spirit week with fun theme days for our students to participate. Kids will show off their spirit in live classes, as well as by submitting photos, and of course, by signing the pledge to be drug-free.
The 2018 Red Ribbon Week theme is Life is Your Journey, Travel Drug-Free. Our Spirit Week activities this year included a variety of theme days:
- Monday- #PADistanceProud Day- Wear Your Favorite School Gear & Sign the Pledge
- Tuesday- Dress to Impress- Prepare for Your Life Journey. Wear your best outfit and fill out your Family Career Tree.
- Wednesday- Orange You Glad to Be Drug-Free?- Wear Orange for Unity Day to stand up against bullying. Color Your Red Ribbon.
- Thursday- Choose Your Own Path- Wear Your Best Hiking Gear! Take the path to Open House virtually or in person.
- Friday- What's Your Dream Journey? Wear your favorite pajamas!