Los becarios de PA Distance Odyssey publican un libro infantil educativo


PA Distance Odyssey Program Fellows, John U., Kaitlyn D., and English teacher, Mr. Glaser, have published a children’s book: Unlocking the Secrets of Eosinophilic Esophagitis.

Learn more about the book, in the video trailer, here.

Odyssey Fellowship Book Launch

Through a partnership with Grow a Generation, the Odyssey Fellowship Program is an ongoing opportunity for fellows to move through an ‘odyssey’ of a fascinating topic. Each student fellow (and sometimes, staff) works on projects that pertain to their chosen subject, to grow their understanding of the world.

What is Eosinophilic Esophagitis?

Our Odyssey Fellow,  John, lives with Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE), a disease with no current cure. EoE causes John a burning pain in his throat after he eats specific foods. It hurts badly, and unfortunately, John finds a new food every day that creates more of his throat problems. John, and his Odyssey Fellow friends, went on a quest to discover what researchers have found. With help from the Director of the Cincinnati Center for Eosinophilic Disorders and leading EoE researcher, Dr. Marc Rothenberg, John, Kaitlyn, Mr. Glaser and Grow a Generation staff member, Mayada, wrote the book, Unlocking the Secrets of Eosinophilic Esophagitis, to help bring awareness to the disease.

After working tirelessly for the past two years to organize information and create artwork for an adventure story, John, Kaitlyn, and Mr. Glaser are thrilled to have officially launched their book — virtually. On Thursday, May 21, 2020, the Odyssey Fellows hosted a virtual book launch, using Facebook Live, during National Eosinophil Awareness Week. 

During this live event, a variety of supporters around the country watched the Odyssey Fellows (Mr. Glaser, shown below) describe their quest to unlock the secrets of EoE, within their book designed to bring real-world scientific progress to light. Special guest, Dr. Marc Rothenberg, was on hand to answer questions about EoE, and the current research, too. 

You can watch the recorded virtual launch here: https://www.facebook.com/growagen/videos/195351621513188/

All proceeds from book purchases go to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and to fund the continuing efforts of Dr. Rothenberg and his goal to find a cure.

To purchase a copy, visit http://bit.ly/UNLOCKEOE

John, Kaitlyn, and Andrew would be thrilled to virtually visit your online classroom, library, or community event to share their story and read a part of their book aloud.

Please contact PA Distance’s Dr. Ellen Cavanaugh for information about the Odyssey Program, setting up a virtual meeting, or the book, at (724) 561-6461 or ellen.cavanaugh@padistance.org


Los estudiantes se divierten y aprenden algo nuevo con los campamentos de verano virtuales gratuitos


La profesora de ciencias de secundaria, Samantha Sellinger, da la bienvenida y apoya a los estudiantes