Los 5 mitos principales sobre la ciberescuela
As the popularity of online schooling grows, so do the many myths surrounding this type of education. Without further ado here are some common misconceptions associated with cyber schools:
Myth – Cyber school teachers are not qualified.
Fact – 100% of the teachers who instruct at PA Distance Learning are highly qualified. This means they have achieved a certificate in education which pertains to their current teaching position. Many teachers have also earned a master’s degree in their subject area. As with all Pennsylvania brick-and-mortar schools, PA Distance Learning must also meet the state’s requirements of having a qualified teaching staff.
Myth – Cyber school curriculum is much easier than that of a brick-and-mortar school.
Fact – PA Distance Learning’s curriculum meets the Pennsylvania State Standards. Students are expected to complete daily lessons and assignments, as well as attend live-learning sessions. One of the many benefits of an online curriculum is that it can be modified to fit a student’s individual needs. If a student exhibits strength in math, for example, the level of his/her daily lessons can be increased to continually provide an attainable challenge. Online students also build time-management, self-advocacy, and study skills, which prepare them for college and life after school. Here are 9 Unique Electives offered at PA Distance Learning.
Myth – Students cannot socialize or make new friends in an online school environment.
Fact – Students form lasting friendships through online learning. PA Distance Learning offers daily live-learning sessions where students can interact with one another. Many courses also offer group-work assignments where students work together to accomplish a task. Additionally, our many monthly field trips and Open House are great opportunities for students to meet one another. Students are also permitted to participate in their home school district’s extracurricular activities.
Myth – Parents do not need to be involved in their child’s cyber school education.
Fact – Just as in a brick-and-mortar school, cyber school parents do need to be involved in their child’s day-to-day education. Since PA Distance Learning offers Kindergarten through 12th-grade courses, the level of parent involvement varies. At the elementary level, students often require more hands-on assistance from their parents or guardians. As the students move into the middle- and high-school years, the parent involvement lessens, but is still an integral component of student success.
Myth – Students will not be able to contact their teachers if they need help.
Fact – Teachers at PA Distance Learning work consistent hours each day and are available to answer questions. Phone calls and/or emails are returned within 24 hours of receipt (often much sooner if they are not in a class). In order to ensure student success, teachers will often meet with a student one-on-one in an online live-learning session to discuss an assignment or concept if a student is struggling. All of the teachers at PA Distance Learning are willing to go above and beyond expectations to help students be successful!
While an online education might not be a fit for everyone, cyber schooling is certainly a viable educational option for many students. At PA Distance Learning Charter School we provide students with a challenging, supportive, and rich school experience. Here students are able to make friends, be challenged, and learn the valuable skills needed to be successful in our world today.
About PA Distance Learning Charter School
Since 2004, PA Distance has been providing a welcoming virtual learning environment for students in grades K-12 across Pennsylvania. Students at PA Distance engage in a blended environment that combines “synchronous” and “asynchronous” learning. PA Distance’s mission is to blend proven classroom teaching techniques with educational technologies to promote academic growth for all students.