Kindergarteners “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” to their Virtual Graduation Celebration

On Friday, May 29, 2020, PA Distance will be hosting a virtual graduation for 38 of our littlest students. The kindergarten class celebration will occur online and streamed live to students, parents, and elementary school. The theme, “All I Learned in Kindergarten”, is based on the movie The Wizard of Oz and highlights one of the concepts that PA Distance Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Marinzel, has taught throughout the year, “The dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.”

During the ceremony, Elementary Principal, Mrs. Poesch and Mrs. Marinzel, will say a few words about the class and share individual slides about the wonderful year they shared together. PA Distance school counselor, Mr. Payne, will also be reading a story to the graduates.

“This event is one that I look forward to all school year,” Mr. Payne said. “To get to celebrate the achievements of our youngest students with their families is something extra special!”

As the elementary school principal, Mrs. Ploesch is also excited about the big day. “Kindergarten graduation is a way for us to celebrate our youngest scholars on the completion of their first year of school,” Mrs. Ploesch said. Our students this year are nothing short of amazing, and we want to make sure we do everything we can so they can see how incredibly proud we are of them. I cannot wait to celebrate their learning!”

Mrs. Marinzel will also look back and share everything that the kindergarten class learned this school year. They read lots of books with important messages about being a good person and educational books to grow their understanding of the world.

“This class of Kindergarten graduates put so much time and hard work into this memorable school year. From starting the year learning what it means to be a friend with the help of our story, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister, to discovering fiction and nonfiction texts through our mini-unit on polar bears,” Mrs. Marinzel described.

Kindergarten, as one might expect, is full of “firsts” for students. The PA Distance elementary team makes sure to introduce students to new concepts and lessons that will build a foundation for growth. “These students have used their brains and hearts in every subject of school, and have even mustered up the courage to try new things,” Mrs. Marinzel said.

“My students may not know this, but they teach me something new almost every day. I’m very lucky to say teaching Kindergarten has become one of my dreams come true,” she added.

Mrs. Marinzel’s favorite quote, from The Wizard of Oz’s Glinda the Good Witch, “You’ve always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself” is one of the messages she often teaches her students. “On the first day of school, I told my students, if there was anything they were to take away from this school year, I hope it’s this: Be kind to others always and never stop dreaming,” she said.

For a year that culminates on their graduation day, Mrs. Ploesch recognizes the hard work and determination the kindergarten class has put into their first year of school. “Our team is so excited to celebrate our kindergarteners and all they’ve learned this year in school. We are so proud of them,” Mrs. Ploesch said.

Before graduation day, Mrs. Marinzel is encouraging her students and their families to create mini “graduation caps” using craft supplies at home. Later on, we plan to share this adorable display on our social media channels!

“I cannot wait to see where their dreams take them in the future. They have made mine come true, being their teacher. It’s been an honor,” Mrs. Marinzel added.

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