The Literary Club Celebrates Reading All Year Long

The excitement behind Matilda, and the Book Buddies program, isn’t the only example of a love for reading at PA Distance. The Literary Club also encourages reading, and discussion about literature, that interests the students themselves. 

“One thing that I am seeing from our students this year is an increased interest in reading, and especially reading stories that are relatable to them,” high school English teacher, co-Student Leadership / Book Buddies staff sponsor, and Literary Club sponsor, Mrs. Donofrio explained. 

The Literary Club has also started a monthly book recommendation slide in the PA Distance Weekly School-Wide Announcements for 7-12 grade readers.


“Literary Club students are so excited about the books they have discovered and want to share them with other students,” Mrs. Donofrio added. 

Alex J.-2

10th-grader, Alex J., (shown on the right) is an active member of the Literary Club. He loves reading in-class assignments on his own and other books that interest him in his free time. 

“Each week, in our Literary Club, we discuss what we’ve read or are currently reading in our free time. I give weekly updates on a horrorbook I’ve been reading. Everyone is always interested to hear about it,” Alex added. “I’ve become good friends with the Student Leadership and Literary Club members. We talk all the time.” 

“From the Literary Club to the Book Buddies program to English classes, we are seeing a renewed energy and passion for reading from our students,” Mrs. Donofrio said.

Stay tuned to hear about the Book Buddies program, more reading initiatives, and fun for our students here on the blog and on social media. Happy National Reading Month, everyone!


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