Student Assistance Program
is Help
There may be times when you just don’t know how to help your child. That’s okay; someone else may know how to help. When extra help is needed, knowing how and where to find help can be overwhelming.
In Pennsylvania, every middle and high school and some elementary schools have a Student Assistance Program (SAP). Our SAP team, made up of school and community agency staff, is available to help you access school and community services.
Is Your Child Showing Any of These Behaviors?
Changing friends; no longer spends time with old friends
Unexplained physical injuries
Sudden drop in grades
Are You Concerned About Your Child’s Reaction To:
The recent death of a loved one
Divorce of parents
Family relocation
A relationship problem
Other traumatic events
If you feel your child may need help, call us today and ask to speak with a member of the SAP team; someone will be there to help!
If your child is having trouble in or out of school, SAP can help you. Don’t ever feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about asking us for help. We will help you find services and assistance within the school and, if needed, in the community. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. Rather, we will provide you with information—you make the choices. Remember, you are part of our team.
PA Distance Learning Charter School also has a certified Threat Assessment team in place to investigate issues that may occur within the school setting to mitigate the effects of any potential threats made by or against our students. The Threat Assessment team is led by the school Safety and Security coordinator, Nick Kocuba, and consists of a multidisciplinary team including Principals, Special Education and Regular Education Teachers, and other school personnel available to respond to any reported threatening situations.
Virtual Student Support
The Student Assistance Program at PA Distance aims to provide virtual student support, promote healthy coping skills, and increase school success. Students’ health, safety, and welfare are always paramount to us. Students can be referred to SAP by parents/guardians, school personnel, peers, or through self-referral.
The SAP team is comprised of specially trained teachers, administrators, and school counselors. We aim to work with families to offer support and recommendations for students. Where barriers are beyond the scope of the school, the team can provide guidance and information so that families can access community resources.