2021-2022 Course Catalogs Now Available
The 2021-2022 Course Catalog for each respective grade level is now available here on our website. Current and prospective PA Distance students and families can explore or download each catalog on our online Elementary, Middle School, and High School academic info pages.
PA Distance offers students a wide variety of engaging core subject courses, 13 honors courses, 14 AP courses, nine world language courses, and over 20 unique elective course options. Our classes have a strong foundation in Career Education & Work (CEW) and help each of our students discover what interests them and what they would like to pursue post-graduation.
As a leader in online education since 2004, PA Distance teachers, staff, and administrators have developed and expanded our course offerings to suit the needs and interests of our students.
View & Download the Course Catalogs Here:
Elementary School Course Catalog
Kurskatalog für die Mittelstufe
PA Distance is Now Enrolling!
Are you interested in enrolling your child for the 2021-2022 school year? Reserve their spot today and begin the process online.
Über die PA Distance Learning Charter School
Seit 2004 bietet PA Distance eine einladende virtuelle Lernumgebung für Schüler der Klassenstufen K-12 in ganz Pennsylvania. Die Schüler bei PA Distance lernen in einer gemischten Umgebung, die "synchrones" und "asynchrones" Lernen kombiniert. PA Distance hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, bewährte Unterrichtsmethoden mit Bildungstechnologien zu kombinieren, um das akademische Wachstum aller Schüler zu fördern.