Family Resources for the 2021-2022 School Year

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Our teachers and staff are so excited for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year on September 1st. Before the school year begins, we wanted to highlight some important resources available to our current and incoming families that will help make their time with us successful. 

Virtual Parent Orientation Sessions

Are you a current or incoming parent who would benefit from an orientation session? You’re in luck! The PA Distance Community Engagement Team is conducting virtual Parent Orientation sessions from July 26-October 11, 2021.

Every Monday and Friday at 12:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 6 pm (until Sept. 15th)
More times and dates will be made available on an individual basis.

Click here to access the Parent Orientation (only available at the listed times)

Families need to attend only ONE Parent Orientation session

These in-depth orientations are designed to educate parents about daily life at PA Distance and how to best support their students while learning in a new online environment. "We want to make sure that the parents have enough information to help their children get a quality education," Community Engagement Coordinator, Ms. Abbiati explained. 

Each session covers:

  • Student Information System (SIS)
  • Checking Grades
  • How to use the PA Distance Email Account
  • Time Management
  • Organization
  • Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung
  • Communication
  • Basic Technology

If you are interested in attending a session, please contact the Community Engagement Team

Elementary Parent Workshop Wednesdays

Throughout the year, our elementary administrators and school counselors will host monthly 30-minute Workshop Wednesdays. During these virtual workshops, parents can learn about how our counselors are supporting students’ Social Emotional Learning, how we provide support to students, and the technology-driven skills that students are regularly practicing. Each session will focus on a particular theme from bullying and digital safety to career readiness. 

These sessions will occur from 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM on the following dates in 2021:

September 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd (4 sessions total)
October 27
November 17th
December 1st
January 19th
February 16th
March 16th
April 20th
May 18th

Technical Support

The PA Distance Technology Department works hard to provide responsive assistance to students, and their families, for technology-related questions and issues they might encounter.

Some of the problems we can help address and remediate include:

  • Chromebook performance issues
  • Printer set-up and malfunctions
  • Hardware & accessory issues

The PA Distance Technology Department provides remote support Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM via their phone number 1-888-997-3352 (option 2) to assist with any technology-related issues that may arise with provided learning equipment.

Please review our technical support Self Help Quick Fix document to try and solve any issues on your own.

They will also continue to offer daily Live Office Hours every Monday - Friday between 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM to offer additional assistance to families who have more in-depth questions about their computer or printer equipment. 

For more information, visit our website.


Über die PA Distance Learning Charter School

Seit 2004 bietet PA Distance eine einladende virtuelle Lernumgebung für Schüler der Klassenstufen K-12 in ganz Pennsylvania. Die Schüler bei PA Distance lernen in einer gemischten Umgebung, die "synchrones" und "asynchrones" Lernen kombiniert. PA Distance hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, bewährte Unterrichtsmethoden mit Bildungstechnologien zu kombinieren, um das akademische Wachstum aller Schüler zu fördern.


Guest Post: PA Distance Graduate & Legacy Parent, Thea Nemac, Tells Her Story


2021-2022 Course Catalogs Now Available