Lis McCoy und ihre Viertklässlerin Alice schätzen Kommunikation, Unterstützung und akademischen Erfolg
4th-grader, Alice McCoy and her mother, Lis McCoy, first experienced virtual learning during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. After learning online through a brick-and-mortar school, Alice and her parents decided to transition to a school with more experience in cyber education. Their search brought them to PA Distance Learning Charter School in the fall of 2020.
“Communication was one of the top concerns I had with switching schools. I wanted to know that, if I reached out, I would get a callback,” Mrs. McCoy said. “I have to say, not only do I get a callback, it’s almost immediately at PA Distance.”
“I like it overall,” Alice said. “I can do my work on my own time when we have breaks between classes. We also do work in class so my teacher can help me.”
“She gets the best of both worlds,” Mrs. McCoy noted. “She gets to learn independently and learn with live support from her teachers.”
Besides a level of communication, Alice and her mother were also pleasantly surprised at the supplies provided by PA Distance. When a child is enrolled, students receive shipments with all of the necessary materials required for the entire school year.
“Alice can organize her space how she wants and everything is there for her, “ Mrs. McCoy said. “At her old school, I was constantly running out to the store for supplies.”
The “Welcome Kit” is shipped in a recognizable red box that students know when they see it on their doorstep. It contains a variety of school supplies that students find helpful for their core and elective classes.
Alice isn't missing out on the socialization opportunities available to her at PA Distance through the K-6 Friendship Group, Express Yourself Group, and Recess hosted by their teachers and elementary staff.
“The best part about these groups is that we have them a few times a week. We do crafts and we talk to each other. It is super fun,” Alice explained. “It’s another way we can hang out with our friends. It gives me time to talk, relax, and be myself.”
Alice and her mother also appreciate the time teachers takes to make learning interactive and fun in core subjects and creative classes.
“The hands-on subjects like science, art, physical education, and music have been a positive experience,” Mrs. McCoy explained. “Her teachers help them understand concepts using real-world applications.”
“I like my science class with Ms. Rooney and my art class with Mr. Vatter,” Alice noted. “In science class, we had a class bean plant. Miss Rooney would water it and show it to us every class and we saw how much it grew.”
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“Alice is very hardworking, fun, and incredible to have in class,” Alice's 2021-2022 Science & Social Studies teacher, Miss Rooney said. “She is a great helper and loves to support her peers. She always knows how to make us laugh!”
“I have also been practicing my drawing a lot lately in art class,” (some recent examples shown below) Alice added.
(Some of Alice's recent artwork from class)
Mrs. McCoy loves that Alice can take ownership of her day at such a young age due to the flexibility that she has with PA Distance. Being in the comfort of her own home, Alice has the opportunity to spend time with her parents, finish classwork during the school day, and have extra time in the evening to do the things she loves like practicing her drawing and painting.
“Alice is in charge of her day with my guidance,” Mrs. McCoy explained. “We make her schedule on Monday, go through her week, check her workload, and see if there are any field trips or any other extracurricular things she can do.”
“Giving her that flexibility in her school day and seeing her do so well has developed her confidence and my confidence in her to let her try more independent things.” Mrs. McCoy added. “I don’t think that is something most parents see this young. I am thrilled to see it.”
Alice also feels empowered to reach out to her teachers, school counselor, or even technical support, when she needs help. Self-advocacy is a skill PA Distance teachers and staff foster and encourage as a part of the Core 4.
“Technical Support is also really helpful,” Alice said. “I call them when something isn’t working and they help me.”
“Even though her teachers aren’t physically in the room with her they notice things,” Mrs. McCoy noted. “They are in tune with her, her emotions, and needs even though it’s all done virtually.”
“Everything is so user-friendly, too” Mrs. McCoy added. “It can be intimidating at first but once you start to get used to it, it's easy. If we do need help it’s easy to get it.”
During her first summer with PA Distance, she attended the virtual Theater Summer Camp with Special Education teacher, Mr. Winter.
“We acted out scenes and it was fun,” Alice said.
“We are looking into finding some local improv classes for her now that she got that experience during summer camp and loved it,” Mrs. McCoy explained. “We love the extra educational support even during the summer.”
“There are things offered at PA Distance that aren't offered at her old school,” McCoy said. “Like the fitness challenges, summer camps, and other activities they do with other students.”
“I think my grade won the 12 Days of Fitness last year,” Alice chimed in to say.
Alice and her mother believe they made the right choice for Alice’s online instruction when it comes to her happiness and academic progress.
“I didn’t want her world to get smaller when we enrolled at PA Distance, but her world has gotten bigger,” Mrs. McCoy noted. “She has been on the honor roll every year so far. We love it here. We have been supported and she has been challenged academically.”
“I can’t choose my favorite part about school,” Alice said. “The two best parts are that I can talk with my friends and the teachers are encouraging. If I’m having a bad day my teachers are there for me.”
“She’s always been good at school, she’s always been excited about school but I don’t know that I would be seeing these results if we weren’t at PA Distance,” Mrs. McCoy added.
“Some parents might be intimidated by online learning and think that, because it's virtual, there isn't a sense of community,” Mrs. McCoy said. “But, I still feel that at PA Distance.”