Lakyn Miller, de 11º curso, enriquece su educación aprendiendo español
11th-grader, Lakyn, came to PA Distance when she was in 8th-grade from her local brick-and-mortar school district. Since becoming a student at PA Distance, she has most notably been pursuing her interest in learning Spanish with Spanish teacher, Ms. Lesko.
“I love this place so much, I really do,” she said. “The teachers are so nice.”
“I downloaded Google chat on my phone, so I'm able to talk to my teachers whenever I want,” she said. “I talk to my school counselor, Mrs. Mihoreck, the most.”
Since becoming a student at PA Distance, Lakyn has had the opportunity to take a variety of classes including her favorites: English, Spanish, Financial Literacy, and Criminology.
Lakyn is enrolled in Spanish IV which makes her the most advanced Spanish student at PA Distance. Lakyn is the only student enrolled in Ms. Lesko’s Spanish IV class which creates both a unique teaching and learning environment.
“It's a great way for me to learn,” she said. “Ms. Lesko makes it fun. I not only learn the language but also learn about the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries, too.”
Learning a new language brings Lakyn joy, she describes.
“I can’t explain the feeling I have when I understand something difficult like Spanish grammar,” she said. “I also watch movies in Spanish and I get so excited when I’m able to understand it.”
Lakyn is a member of the Literary Magazine Club, with Mrs. Johnston, whom she also has for English class.
“I love reading and writing in my free time,” she said. “I have a journal at home and try to write when I can.”
Although Lakyn hasn't decided what she wants to do in her future, she hopes to use her English and Spanish education and attend college after graduation. Lakyn hopes to one day travel to Spain with her mom where she can practice what she knows, learn and see the Spanish culture, and of course, taste the authentic food.
Overall, Lakyn will miss PA Distance when she graduates in the spring of 2022.
“It’s a place where you can be yourself, “ she said. “If you're struggling with something, it's easy to get help.”
“I’ve met a lot of people here and made friends,” she said. “When we have in-person field trips, we are able to meet up and it's really cool.”