4 ingredientes para el éxito en una escuela en línea
Everyone’s reasons for choosing cyber school are different, but across the diverse cyber school spectrum, parents are sharing some key ingredients for success in an online school.
Here are 4 ingredients parents and students are sharing in their recipe for success!
Ingredient #1: Build a Routine
Routines for children make a huge difference in all parts of life - cyber school is no different!
You as the parent know your child best, so your routine may look different than someone else’s; but having a consistent schedule and routine makes a huge difference for students in a cyber school.
One parent of an elementary and middle schooler put it like this:
“From bedtimes on school nights, to morning routines and lunch times, along with learning times, I keep a pretty consistent schedule with the kids. I think the biggest part of keeping the kids on task is keeping them fairly scheduled.”
For a lot of kids, it’s important that their breaks are also scheduled in. This works to motivate them when they’re getting tired or off task, and can help them get their jitters out between classes.
“I never enjoyed having to sit for long periods of time - I still don't!” shared one of our kindergarten parents.
She continued, “I try to reward him for focusing, so I'll say, ‘If you sit still and pay attention to your teacher we will do something really fun after school.' I'll remind him that he'll have a few breaks throughout the school day. I also try to get up with him during the breaks and do some light exercises to get some of his energy out.”
Ingredient #2: Ask Questions
Cyber schools in PA and beyond are relatively new in the grand scheme of education, and they exist in the ever changing world of technology. That means whether you’re a brand new virtual school parent or a veteran virtual school parent, you’re bound to run into new technology.
This, along with cyber school's more independent model of learning, means asking questions is key to success in a virtual school.
Thankfully, getting ahold of your teacher to ask questions is pretty simple at PA Distance Learning - you can call, email, chat, or even ask questions in a live virtual class. And the teachers love hearing from parents!
Take it from one of our senior cyber school students: "Here, they want feedback on how to help the students learn better," he said. "They are very receptive and willing to talk about any issue."
Perhaps you have technology questions - those are simple too. Tech Support is around for just that reason. Give them a call, send them an email, or even chat them!
Remember: our entire school wants your child to succeed! The more that teachers and parents communicate in their partnership, the more likely your child is to be successful!
Ingredient #3: Parent Involvement
This may seem obvious, but successful parental involvement in a cyber school takes a special approach. Studies show that a parent’s active involvement and communication with their child has more influence in a child's academic performance than the school they attend.
"Working with your child each day is perhaps
the most important part of their academic success"
That means working with your child each day is perhaps the most important part of their academic success!
So, what is expected of parents in the cyber school setting?
- Facilitate home learning with your child (build routine, create healthy workspace
environment, etc)
- For the youngest grades, appropriately communicate for your child during live sessions (typing in text chat, raising hand, etc.)
- Teach your child how to be independent and speak up for themselves
- When assisting your child, ask questions to help your child come to the correct answer, as opposed to giving them the answer. Struggle and wait time is very important to teach children a love of learning.
- For younger grades, assist in completing and submitting the assigned work with your child on a daily basis
- Open communication with the teacher
Remember: the parent’s role in a cyber school is like a part-time job no matter what grade the child.
Ingredient #4: Extracurriculars
Getting your child involved in extracurriculars helps children in a number of ways no matter where they go to school (check out more details here), but in an online school it can be especially important.
Whether you’re involved in our cyber school’s after-school clubs, or activities in your community, extracurriculars help your child be more successful in online school in three ways:
- Extracurriculars help increase self-esteem
Being involved in extracurriculars has been linked with self-esteem in children. It gets them involved in something that is uniquely them and gives them the chance to develop a sense of self, as well as a skill in an area. - Extracurriculars work as a motivator
Sometimes school can get frustrating or students struggle to maintain focus. Extracurriculars often emphasize the importance of hard work and education, which can act as a motivator.
For some parents, having an outside activity that is dependent on their participation or grades in school often works as a motivator for students and helps to teach time management. - Extracurriculars provide social opportunities
Getting our kids involved with social opportunities outside the home can teach kids a few valuable skills: - Cultivating friendships
- Working through real-life situations with people who are different than them
- Learning to work well with peers, adults, etc.
- Teamwork (Hear from our Student Council)
- Perseverance
Take a look at Lily's story below, a PA Distance middle school student who is heavily involved in extracurriculars.
Putting It All Together
While everyone is different, many parents have found success by focusing on these key ingredients as parents of online students.
As you go through the year, start using these ingredients:
- Routine
- Asking Questions and Open Communication
- Parental involvement
- Extracurricular Activities
Finally, talk to other cyber school parents and learn about their habits for success. And please, share any further suggestions!