Clases en el ciberescolar: 9 optativas únicas para 2018

At PA Distance Learning, a cyber school in PA, we’re striving to help our high school students adapt to our ever-changing world, and one of those ways is by offering a wide selection of elective classes.

One student compared taking electives to trying new foods: you may try it and decide you want some more, or you may not like it!  Electives have helped many of our students decide on their future careers.

Here’s a peak at some of the amazing classes we offer our high school students, as voted in by the students themselves:

1. History of the Holocaust

In this  course, students study the history of anti-Semitism, the rise of the Nazi party, and the Holocaust, from its beginnings through liberation, as well as its aftermath.

This course goes deeper than just times, dates, and places. The high school students will learn about the consequences of prejudice and indifference, the potential for government-supported terror, and they will get glimpses of both human kindness and humanity in the worst of times.

Some years, they are also able to bring in Holocaust survivors as guest speakers (Check out the speaker we had in spring 2018 here)


2. Mythology & Folklore: Legendary Tales

When we asked PA Distance students to tell us about their favorite electives, mythology was at the top! 

cyber school students study mythology at PA Distance

What is mythology and folklore? Well, whether we’re trying to understand the backstory of Wonder Woman or Thor, or hearing a strange name like "Icarus" in songs and movies, myths and legends are woven into cultures around the world.

Students journey with the heroes and fearless warrior women of stories who battle dragons and outfox the gods, and even meet some animals to hear their legendary tales. Through it all, students learn to see the significance of myths and folklore, and how they’re still shaping our culture today.

3. Creative Writing

Creative writing is one of the most open minded classes in terms of creativity, and that makes it more enjoyable,” said Colin, a senior student at PA Distance. “Being engaging from start to finish and being able to write about anything, in an open ended manner, is awesome.”

creating writing in cyber school at pa distance learning

Creative writing is pretty limitless for the students, as they get to sharpen their writing skills and the writing process through poetry, short stories, non-fiction, and one-act plays. On top of that, they get to work together to compile the literary magazine, which is available for students school-wide.

4. Criminology: Inside the Criminal Mind

criminology class at pa distance learning a cyber school in pa

This was such a unique class, and it taught me such cool things,” shared Chelsea, a PA Distance senior. “I absolutely loved it and how it gave me a bigger insight.

Why do some individuals commit crimes while oth
ers do not? What aspects in our culture and society promote crime and deviance? Why are different punishments given for the same crime? What factors - from arrest to punishment - help shape the criminal case process?

This class, Criminology, asks many questions and explores possible answers about crime from psychological, biological and sociological perspectives. It also explores the social effects of crime, as well as the criminal justice system.

5. Veterinary Science

cyber school students care for their pets

I don’t know about you, but even the word “puppies’ makes me smile!  Animals are a huge part of modern American life, and what scientists know about taking care of them is always growing. Honing in on the animals in our homes, on farms, in zoos, and in wildlife sanctuaries, students learn the basic care of animals, as well as the most common diseases and treatments for domestic animals. Needless to say, this is a pretty popular class - even Daisy (pictured above) loves it!


6. Psychology

When surveyed, students who selected psychology as their favorite elective also included “beneficial to their future” as a reason for electives being worth their time. That’s not surprising, since psychology is encouraged as an upper level course, and dives into difficult concepts that push students to a better understanding of themselves and those around them.

advanced classes at cyber school in pa

Students explore the social and biological aspects of one’s behavior within society and ask questions such as, "What is Psychology?" and "How does the brain work?" Students will find answers to these questions by exploring behavior, mental processes, gender, and social psychology.

7. Studio Art 


Studio Art takes art to the next level. In order to take this course, students have to have already taken Intro to Art.

Each unit focuses on a different art medium and centers on studio based work. Lessons include, but are not limited to: pencils, paints, clay and ink. Students will practice using each of these mediums, and will come together with peer reviews, and a final project for each medium. Though this is probably one of the most fun classes students get to take, it is intense. Daily work and practice will be required to keep up and pass.  Check out some of our student artwork here!



8. Child Development

Students explore practical application strategies for guiding and caring for children, special needs considerations, and careers in development, while learning skills and tools required for successful parenthood.  

There are a few interesting topics to explore in this course, including budgeting for the first year of life, nutrition plans for children, and creating plans for childcare. This class provides real world application opportunities students can use beyond high school.

9. Writing Center

For the student writer ready for a new challenge, the Writing Center is for you. This class is a unique digital space, where high school students with a talent for writing are trained as tutors to assist fellow middle and high school student writers.

Since being a good tutor is about more than being a good writer, tutors learn how to identify the elements of strong writing and learn to give the proper kind of feedback.  To do this, they learn to ask questions that provoke student writers to think deeply about their writing process. 

This class helps the tutors become stronger writers and collaborators and also allows tutors to engage in professional learning communities through reading peer-reviewed articles and writing about their tutoring experiences.

online learning in pa

Like what you've seen?

Some other popular classes include Forensic Science, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality and Tourism, Sociology, and Electronic Music. You can see a full list of our course offerings on the Course Catalog.

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