Los resultados demuestran la necesidad de elegir escuela

Many people harbor questions about online K–12 instruction: can cyber charter schools effectively help students learn and retain the concepts and skills they need to succeed? At PA Distance Learning the test scores bear out that we can and we are. Our students not only met the Standard Demonstrated Growth expectation in ELA/Literature according to the Future Ready PA Index—they exceed it.

  • The Growth Standard is 70.0%, and PA Distance scored 70.3%
  • Our economically disadvantaged students scored 73.8%
  • Our students with disabilities scored 71.5%.

Some of the highest scores were achieved by our economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities. These are students that often struggle in traditional schools that can’t adequately address their needs or provide them with the instruction they are so hungry for. At PA Distance Learning our unique format and qualified staff blend personalized learning-experiences that allow these students to thrive—and we couldn’t be more proud of them.

Read some of our other blogs on School Choice below: 

Los efectos perjudiciales de limitar la elección de escuela

Now's the Time: Fight for your Right for School Choice in PA

Get Involved in School Choice Week 2020

Por qué es importante la elección de escuela: Conozca a Jamie

Who Benefits from School Choice: Meet Tiegan & Brennan

Also - read this Op-Ed from our CEO, Patricia Rossetti, where she defends School Choice. 




Ahora es el momento: utiliza tu voz para luchar por la elección de escuela en Pensilvania


Lo que dice la gente sobre PA Distance