Ahora es el momento: utiliza tu voz para luchar por la elección de escuela en Pensilvania

Legislators are in the midst of budget negotiations in Harrisburg. The funding that fuels educational transformation for students in charter schools is in jeopardy. Special interest groups are pressuring legislators to reduce funding for charter schools—or eliminate charter schools entirely. This is in spite of the fact that charter schools operate with greater oversight and less state funding than traditional school districts, making them a great investment. Now is the time to let your voice be heard! Let your legislators know that you value school choice.

Join the movement: https://143krising.com/

Take action: https://143krising.com/take-action

Take it to social media with the hashtags:

#ProtectOurCharterSchools #MyChildMySchoolChoice

Read some of our other blogs on School Choice below: 

Los efectos perjudiciales de limitar la elección de escuela

Get Involved in School Choice Week 2020

Por qué es importante la elección de escuela: Conozca a Jamie

Making the Grade: Schools Prove the Need for School Choice

Who Benefits from School Choice: Meet Teagan & Brennan

Also - read this Op-Ed from our CEO, Patricia Rossetti, where she defends School Choice. 



Profesor destacado: Peter Mysels, Profesor de Estudios Sociales


Los resultados demuestran la necesidad de elegir escuela